1999: Graying Mantis

by Martin S. Kotttmeyer What, I wonder, is the desired reaction of an author who asks a question like, “Was Jehovah perhaps a praying mantis being?” The ufologist asking this question is one Joe Lewels and to all appearances he is not kidding. He frames his question in a context of mysteries about why God would not reveal his countenance to his chosen ones like Moses. Answer yes and the Israelites would have been horrified. He points out that a sect called the Mandaeans believed that the physical world was created and ruled over by a Lord of Darkness variously known as Snake, Dragon, Monster, and Giant. In April 1996, Lewels met a lady he calls Rebecca Grant who developed a relationship with a mantis […] Read More

2005: The Dolphins of Heaven

The Dolphins of Heaven by: Richard D. Butler There has always been speculation that at least some of the extraterrestrial visitors to our planet are not humanoid in nature, that in fact they are or were, water-based creatures akin to our own whales and dolphins. The classification and identification of observed alien beings is one of the greatest challenges facing ufology today. If we accept that indeed there are intelligently guided extraterrestrial craft operating in our atmosphere, then the next logical question must be who and what, are they? In a previously published article, Classifications of Observed UFO Occupants, I discussed two primary species of UFO occupants. These are A) Homo Sapiens, and B) Cetaceans. The first group is comprised of seven human subgroups, both […] Read More