The Coming of the Cassiopaeans 2

The year passed. It was now 1993 and we had been engaged in our “experiment” for some time. Meanwhile, a local 12-year-old girl was reported missing. I was very shaken by it because, when her photo was displayed on the television, she looked so much like my number two daughter that I almost began to cry! I was surprised by my emotional reaction! And, even more, surprised when I “saw” in my mind’s eye that the girl was dead, naked, wrapped in what looked like saran wrap, lying in a stand of pine trees. I even had a “sensation” of the general location. Of course, every psychic in the area jumped on the bandwagon and were leading the cops around here and there and saying […] Read More


by Alison Davidson From Borderlands 1993-vol 49, No.2 A fiction no matter how bizarre, if repeated often enough becomes accepted as fact especially if it’s reinforced by the voice of some Authority or other. This goes on all the time, especially in the media and their propaganda bulletins passed as network news, to take an obvious example. But the frightening thing is that once a fabricated belief is established in the mass mind, anyone who tries to expose the original fiction is almost certain to be set up as a liar, a lunatic, or worse… Fortunately for us there are still lunatics in the world who pan for truth in the polluted rivers of disinformation. Borderlands has long been one of those rare places where […] Read More


By John White Let’s play “What If.” Recently, John Lear provoked widespread discussion and debate in the UFO research community by his hypothesis that aliens (or “Grays”) and what is presumed to be a CIA/MJ-12 amalgam have had a longtime joint venture in which hidden underground bases for alien activities play a part. Lear characterizes this as nefarious. I agree with Lear and see aspects to the UFO abduction experience which indicate there may be even more vast and sinister dimensions to it than Lear has described. Here is the “worst case scenario” I project. The thrust of UFO research is into the metaphysical, where things are not always as they seem. In the case of the Gray abducting aliens, my judgment is this: they […] Read More

1996: The Reptilians: Humanity’s Historical Link to the Serpent Race

To All: The following article appeared in the JUNE 1996 issue of FATE Magazine, and has been reproduced here with express permission from FATE. This article, “The Reptilians: Humanity’s Historical Link to the Serpent Race” is copyright FATE Magazine and cannot be reproduced without the express permission of FATE. Visit the FATE web site located at for more ‘True Reports of the Strange and Unknown’! ******** ****** **** ** “The Reptilians: Humanity’s Historical Link to the Serpent Race” c FATE Magazine, June 1996. by Joe Lewels, Ph.D. Did humans evolve from reptiles? As long as humanity has kept records of its existence, legends of a serpent race have persisted. These myths tell of a mysterious race of superhuman reptilian beings who descended from the heavens to participate in creating humankind and to […] Read More

2002: Reptilian breeding zoo

Jeffery Pritchett Marianna Paranormal Examiner Art Greenfield has some very controversial views on the Reptilians. Author of the book “The Warning” what you will find in this interview is some startling information. Even though I personally find it hard to believe every reptilian in the cosmos is of evil nature. I have to admit there is some startling information here connecting them toplights on Earth that may not be in mankind’s best interests obviously. I will leave this for the reader to decide. I have discussed the reptilians many, many times on my radio show The Church of Mabus. Glad to have a chance to jump aboard the discussion once again. Presenting. 1. Could you tell us a bit about what experiences you had Alien […] Read More

2009: Grays: The Bio-mechanical messiahs, made by?

Posted By: IZAKOVIC Date: Sunday, 16-Aug-2009 06:02:59 GRAYS, THE BIOMECHANICAL MESSIAHS:  THE NIGEL KERNER INTERVIEW Source: Nigel Kerner Gerry Zeitlin interview Whitley Strieber Taken – Karla Turner Nigel Kerner is definitively the most original author writing about the extraterrestrial intrusion phenomenon. Uniquely he offers an insight into the Grey alien agenda with humanity based upon an understanding of the existential base on which we and they exist. He suggests that the best way to understand their seemingly bizarre behavior is to define exactly who they are, what they are and most importantly how they came to be. After exploring these questions he then takes a fresh look at witness reports of extra-terrestrial intrusion in the light of new discoveries at the cutting edge of […] Read More