2013: Do You Belong to an Extraterrestrial Lineage?

According to Sitchin’s interpretation of Mesopotamian iconography and symbolism, outlined in his 1976 book The 12th Planet and its sequels, there is an undiscovered planet beyond Neptune that follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years. This planet is called Nibiru (although Jupiter was the planet associated with the god Marduk in Babylonian cosmology).   According to Sitchin, Nibiru (whose name was replaced with MARDUK in original legends by the Babylonian ruler of the same name in an attempt to co-opt the creation for himself, leading to some confusion among readers) collided catastrophically with Tiamat (a goddess in the Babylonian creation myth the Enûma Eliš), which he considers to be another planet once located between Mars and Jupiter. This […] Read More

2016: What was the true aspect of the Anunnaki gods?

The Sumerian tablets do not speak of these gods as etheric creatures, but biological flesh and bone. When one hears the word “gods” this usually evokes images in the mind of nebulous celestial spirits emerging from the edge of an indeterminate plane of reality. But that is not the description made by the Sumerians of these beings … According to the ancestral tablets, the gods coexisted with man, sharing their lives in the same cities. They were physical and tangible beings, who ate, slept and fornicated like us. And also they died. Even sometimes some humans chose to copulate. Both women and men were very flattered to have the privilege of sleeping with a god or goddess. No human could resist their charms, and if they did, it would infuriate, […] Read More

2015: The Ancient Disc of Life and the Colonization of Planet Earth

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor In my view, 6000 years ago the peoples of India either were far more advanced than NASA and then somehow mysteriously forgot — or the Mahabharata is the history of and evidence for an off-world civilization that did colonize this planet. In 1988, Lana Corrine Cantrell, a brilliant mysterious, somewhat eccentric woman wrote “The Greatest Story Never Told“, a book that combined multiple ancient culture histories turned-into-myth as one story – the story of our ancient off-world ancestors. I first read Cantrell’s ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ in 1989, but in those days I had not yet read the great Sanskrit epic, The Mahabharata. Nevertheless, I had studied Zecharia Sitchin’s work and I was deeply impressed with the kernel import of […] Read More

2005: Who Wrote the Reptilian Agenda?

Phenomena Magazine Monday, April 18, 2005 By: JOHN LASH In a Collector’s Edition entitled “Secrets of the Da Vinci Code,” published by US News and World Report, there is a brief interview with James Robinson, general editor of the Nag Hammadi Library. In response to Dan Brown’s reference to the Nag Hammadi texts as scrolls, Robinson points out: “They are codices – books with individual pages. They are actually the oldest example we have of leather-bound books.” Amazingly, whatever the significance of their content (and we have just barely begun to comprehend what that might be), the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC) are rare original artifacts, the earliest surviving examples of bound books. A close reading of these arcane materials shows that Gnostics were deeply concerned […] Read More


This is Part 3, and the final part of my story about the Orion “Lizards” or “Changelings“. But probably the most important thing to realize is that all the wars between the Changeling and Aryans against the Reptilian races are still going on right here and now, right here on Earth. All of the races here on Earth are related genetically to one of these races. But it goes beyond genetics, it gets into consciousness and religious belief systems. Do you think it is coincidence that the Mid-East is very close to erupting into a major war again? The Israelis are of course strongly connected to the Changelings, and the Arabs are very strongly connected to the Draco, just like I have been trying to […] Read More


This is Part 2 of 3 of my story about the Orion Lizards or Changelings. So now I will jump forward to a time that I get was approximately 450,000 years ago. I cannot be absolutely certain of the time, but I do know what happened, because once again, one of my “Other Selves” was there. This would be a very critical time in the history of the Earth, and it would lay the cornerstone for what is happening here today. What happened fits in very well with my theory that the Changelings’ ultimate motive and goal was to eradicate all traces of the Reptilian DNA and replace it with their own. Does this sound too preposterous? Maybe, or maybe NOT. But either way, this […] Read More

2004: Extraterrestrial Messages

Stonehenge Believed to have been built by the ancient inhabitants of England, the origin and positioning of the stones of Stonehenge remain a mystery. Were off-planet beings involved? Is there a message here? The following paragraphs summarize the messages that Mark Kimmel has uncovered during his research. He has distilled these messages from communications from extraterrestrials, communications from contactees, and observations of extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial craft. MESSAGES BASED ON OBSERVATIONS Quasi-physical: Extraterrestrials have technology that allows them to shift into quasi-physical reality, dematerialize and rematerialized. Thousands of pilots, military men and women, government witnesses, and civilians have seen extraterrestrial spacecraft materialize and disappear. Shifting into the non-physical or quasi-physical enables extraterrestrial craft to travel faster than the speed of light. Extraterrestrials appear to be more at home in the quasi-physical and purposefully shift into […] Read More

2009: Another Interview With Bob Dean [on ETs]

Start of recording http://projectcamelot.org/bob_dean_25_feb_2009.html Bob Dean:  …Don’t get me started there. I am not anti-Semitic, but I have no illusions about the Israelis. I’ve known a number of them fairly well for many years through my service in the military. They’re a great people and they’re struggling to survive like everybody else. Bill Ryan:  Yes. Bob:  Anyhow, Barry Chamish has provided information about a number of things that have been going on in Israel. It’s stuff you’ll never you read in the newspaper, because the newspaper is filled with the Palestinians, Gaza and all that. Bill:  Sure. Bob:  One little point which I always tell people is that Israeli archeologists have concluded that the foundation stones which they have excavated at the Temple Mount, what […] Read More

1999: The Great Experiment

THE PLAN THE PURPOSE In the previous articles we looked at the background as to what is transpiring in and on the outer reaches of our Solar system, and who is involved. Now let us look for an explanation as to why these events are unfolding at this time. THE EXPERIMENT Approximately 500,000 years ago, TERRA (planet earth) experienced a severe orbital problem. (tile to a glancing blow from a passing meteorite) This resulted in a rapidly decaying orbit, where failure to control this event would have created a ripple effect on neighbouring stars in addition to other neighbouring orbiting celestial bodies. Thus was the scenario that brought in the involvement of the Galactic Federation. In an unprecedented move, the Federation called upon its planetary […] Read More

The Reptilian Blood Legacy

“The black magic rituals we know as Satanism are the modern expression of the rituals and human sacrifice in ancient Babylon and the Brotherhood infiltrated societies of the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian, peoples, among many others across the world. It has been a seamless procession through history of the same rituals to the same deities and this remains of fundamental importance to the initiates of the Brotherhood today. My use of the term Satanism has nothing to do with the Christian version of [censored]. I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it may seem; to most people, is commonplace all over the world today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of […] Read More