2015: Alien High Priest Found In Mona Lisa

 Many theologians believe that Leonardo Da Vinci deliberately concealed secret codes and subliminal messages in most of his work. If this is true then it’s reasonable to assume that the Mona Lisa was in fact painted in order to conceal important historical and religious facts possibly regarding the extraterrestrial presence and its surreptitious involvement within the Roman Catholic Church. Source: http://theparanormalcrucible.blogspot…

1999: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series 2

Cathy O’Brien Sub Fugura 5 archived 10-07-99 Archive file# e100799i donated by James Vandale Subject: IUFO: ::: Reptoid Rape ::: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O’Brien was subjected to an occult ritual she called “The Rite to Remain Silent” in alleged preparation for her future interdimensional expeditions. “I work for the Vatican, and now, so do you,” [Michigan State Senator, Guy] VanderJagt told me. “You have just entered into a covenant with the holy Catholic church. You must never break that covenant.” Still capable of questioning at that time, I asked, “What is a covenant?” VanderJagt answered, “A covenant is a promise to keep secrets, the secret that the church knew all along. The […] Read More