2014: The Phenomenon of Cattle Mutilations

The phenomenon of cattle mutilation has long been a topic of conjecture and debate in UFO circles, as well as government conspiracists. LisaHaven, like many others ties both together. The main interest to Aliens, (we talk specifically about Regelians) is breeding, with humans of course. They need the cattle’s tissues because they have the same carron cells as the human being at Genetic levels. All incisions would be made by Replicas, Clones, or Androids. They can send teams and take the material they need, and it doesn’t matter where or how much. If they need it, they just take it. This means that Rigelians are not Vampires, or that they need it for survival, but just immoral scientists that need material for experiments, (we really don’t […] Read More

2013: Cattle mutilations back Ranchers, lawmen baffled by crime wave

By KATIE OYAN Tribune Staff Writer CONRAD — This is the kind of déja vu Everett King could do without. About 15 years ago, he discovered the grisly remains of one of his cattle that had died mysteriously. In October, it happened again. King said it looked as though a surgeon had sliced into his 7-year-old Charolais, the way its right eye and ear were cut off — not to mention the way its reproductive organs had been cored. What King finds most unusual, however, is that two months later the carcass lies right where he found it, untouched. “Predators won’t eat it,” said King, who ranches outside Valier, south of Lake Frances. “It should have been cleaned up and gone a long time ago.“ Ranchers reported […] Read More

2013: What are Cattle Mutilations

A world-wide problem, cattle are killed and the body is left on the farm in various conditions. On studying the body, it has been found that the body has been totally drained of blood and that there has been no trace of blood found anywhere on the ground around the body. Various incisions would also be found on the body that were so clear cut that they would have had to have been done with some sort of laser technology that we didn’t have when the mutilations started (before 1970). Bones were also clearly cut with no bone fragments around the cut. The bodies would be missing various parts which had also shown to have been removed with accurate precision. UFOs have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the […] Read More

1997: Florida Cattle Under Attack

by Shirley Parrish Florida officially joined the ranks of the cattle mutilation mystery when, on March 28, 1997, the State of Florida formed a task force to investigate the macabre wounds that have been left on the carcasses of more than 20 head of cattle in the central part of the state. According to Florida Today, a Brevard county newspaper, Brevard, Seminole, Lake and St. Lucie counties have all been hit with cattle mutilations since July, 1996. None of the usual suspects, writer Billy Cox of Florida Today states – UFOs, satanic cults and unmarked black helicopters – have ever been apprehended. A $1,000 reward, offered by the Florida Cattlemen’s Association for the arrest and conviction of the killers, remains unclaimed. A sheriff who has […] Read More

The Krill Report

CONFIDENTIAL A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED  TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL ABSTRACT Throughout the forty-year period when UFO has been actively observed in our civilization, a lot of data has been gathered — data which has often pointed to aspects of the phenomena that have been suppressed. As a result of the suppression and compartmentalization of the information, our culture has been fragmented into several levels of “reality” which both co-exist and oppose each other. Part of our culture does not or will not believe in the existence of other species; part of our culture acknowledges their existence or the probability of their existence; part of our culture is actually interacting with the other species. These simultaneous realities contribute to the […] Read More

2002: Is There An Alien Strategy?

Sat 30, Nov 2002 @ 22:22 by: an anonymous coward. After 55 years of continued UFO reports indicating a wide range of UFO/alien behavior, the question must arise as to whether or not the UFO occupants, or aliens, are carrying out some sort of strategy directed at us. And if so, what kind of strategy? According to Elaine Douglass, for example, it is evident they are participating in maintaining the UFO cover-up. That this is the case follows from the fact that never, in hundreds of thousands of sightings and large numbers of abductions, have they stayed around long enough for the news media of the developed world to converge upon the scene, and never have they left sufficient the evidence behind to satisfy scientists […] Read More

1998: The Greys

One of the main types of extraterrestrials you see on billboards and different types of commercials nowadays are the little space people we call the Greys.  Here is some information about these less than perfect beings. Let us now investigate the ET group, we have been calling the “greys‘ who are seen by some of the more recent authors of the ET literature, as being at least partially responsible for the generally miserable condition most of humanity has been wallowing in throughout history. Who are these ETs who apparently told members of the secret government that they had been for a long time and were at the present time”…manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion?”  Who are these apparently multidimensional beings that seem to have had more contact with surface […] Read More

2010: Animal mutilations linked to UFOs?

A Walsall man has told BBC WM that aliens and UFOs are responsible for a string of animal attacks in the UK. Mike Freebury, a member of the Animal Pathology Field Unit, has investigated the mystery of ”cattle mutilations” for a number of years. The phenomenon, first reported in America in the 1970s, involves the unexplained deaths of rural animals.  The bodies are often discovered with missing limbs and organs, removed with surgical precision. Mike says that the illegal attacks are also happening in Britain – and UFOs are responsible. “Certainly, in my opinion, the UFOs are something that relates directly to the animal mutilations,” he told BBC WM presenter Brett Birks. “They”re often seen around the areas where mutilations are taking place. I think that the animal […] Read More

1993: Report on Cattle Mutilations

WHO OR WHAT IS DOING THIS? Sand Mountain, Alabama Press Conference – Fyffe, Alabama “Presented by the Fyffe Police Department; Fyffe, Alabama” Charles “Junior” Garmany, Chief of Police Boyd Graben, Mayor, City of Fyffe Ted Oliphant, Investigating Officer Date: Wednesday, April 7, 1993, 1 P.M. Source: Unknown Date: April 7, 1993 UPDATED 01/05/02 Report on Cattle Mutilations INTRODUCTION Beginning in November of 1992, the Fyffe Police Department has been conducting an investigation into unexplained cattle mutilations in cooperation with neighboring police and law enforcement agencies. These reported incidents began on October 20, 1992, and have continued through the last week in Marshall and DeKalb counties. To date over thirty (30) animals have been discovered dead in pastures with various internal and external organs missing. The incisions examined […] Read More