2009: The Alien Grays-Reptilian Agenda and secret Goverment Programs

April 7, 2009, 3:41 pm 1947 = Central UNIT has their own Disc “Fighter” Craft. All kinds of in fighting breaks out about the “ALIEN” situation. The USA Military wants more TECH than the “Aliens” want to share. “Aliens” appear in force. High-Energy RADAR-type Weapons are used to try to disable “Aerial” Craft. Some are secret “German” Disc Craft….others are Reptilian Craft. The CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is formed (reporting to the NSC). With all the confusion, the CIA spreads more Dis-Information to the public. NOTE : MAJESTIC 12 MJ-12 is a ULTRA TOP SECRET Research and Development, Intelligence Operation established by President Truman on September 24, 1947. MJ-12 was a “Committee” set up inside the NSC. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed the Secret Executive Order, […] Read More

2013: The Invasion of the Human Race

by   Gary Stollman I never planned out my life to wind up on the set of KNBC in Los Angeles LIVE, standing behind TV consumer advocate David Horowitz holding a toy gun to his head, demanding that he read a statement about how space aliens and the CIA had replaced my father and family with clones.  I had only planned on becoming a computer programmer and a good citizen.  At least that was before I discovered I had somehow stumbled onto a vast plot to overthrow the human race.  I realize the implications of what I am about to say and how impossible it may be to believe, but the truth is that unless something is done and quite soon, the human race as a […] Read More

1990: Is the Mormon Church involved with Aliens?

(What’s Going On Beneath Salt Lake City?) (CAC General Reading, September 9, 1990) QUESTION: In a letter from this entity in Utah, J.R., he writes about something and I’d like to ask if this information is true. He writes: “You most likely have heard of the Mormon Church, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, here in Utah, of which they control the total state in all fields and phases of human endeavors. They have built temples in 100 countries. The missionaries in all these countries, including the USA work with the CIA. As the missionaries can get into countries where the CIA cannot, they collect information on the people and everything of any and all nature, the countries’ government and all their activities. […] Read More

2012: The Octopus

“The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications… “What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of journalists all over the world. “The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel ‘Danny’ Casolaro was found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes, WAS MISSING. “The book, provisionally titled ‘The Octopus’, was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department […] Read More

1999: Elite are the Draconis

These Aliens are proportional in size to modern humans. They have a snake-like or lizard appearance. The information about these creatures varies from source to source. Supposedly they consider their ancient outpost and want to have complete control over it because their planet is unable to adequately support life. The Greys are supposedly subservient to the Reptilians.  Humans should feel threatened by them. They have been breeding with you and living amongst you for centuries.  They are Humanoid in shape and Reptilian in heritage.  Their leader Elite is the Draconis. They are from Draco in the Six Star Constellation Orion. Orion is the 16th Galaxy, shares within and lies partly in the 17th and 18th galaxy, The Milky way. These Reptilians stand from 8 feet down […] Read More