Name: Sirians AKA: Location  – Home System: Sirius Distance from Earth: 8.7 light-years  Attitude: Assisting in building a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the planet. Motives: With regard to the inhabitants of Sirius, one should keep in mind that the Sirian system is the home of many galactic species, both physical and non-physical, humanoid and non-humanoid. Most of these races are quite benevolent towards mankind. But it is important to know that there is a minority of negative species, too, in Sirius, focusing upon personal gain through imperialism, control, and manipulation. Some of the more horrific abductions that sometimes take place have been orchestrated by these negative Sirians, who can mainly be found in the Sirius B system. Physical […] Read More

2005: The Dolphins of Heaven

The Dolphins of Heaven by: Richard D. Butler There has always been speculation that at least some of the extraterrestrial visitors to our planet are not humanoid in nature, that in fact they are or were, water-based creatures akin to our own whales and dolphins. The classification and identification of observed alien beings is one of the greatest challenges facing ufology today. If we accept that indeed there are intelligently guided extraterrestrial craft operating in our atmosphere, then the next logical question must be who and what, are they? In a previously published article, Classifications of Observed UFO Occupants, I discussed two primary species of UFO occupants. These are A) Homo Sapiens, and B) Cetaceans. The first group is comprised of seven human subgroups, both […] Read More