In this recent inter-glacial warm period, the banished Aryan E.T.’s inseminated the Chaldeans, Assyrians and the Sumerians by conquest with their hate, fear and avarice. So generation after generation of so called “Western man” has kept going West, never treating the planet as if it was their home, never treating the different colored humans already here as family. After the onslaught was concluded at the Western edge of Europe, historians politely called the Aryans “Indo-Europeans”. Before the Aryans arrived, societies would build monuments to harmony such as the pyramids, after the Aryans arrived, humans have been kept busy building fortifications around their cities and armaments with which to kill each other. There is still a pure strain of such “white-skinned” “Aryan Earthlings” that have lived separate […] Read More

2004: Snakes at the Water cooler: The Reptilian Presence at the Office

By Cassie © 2004 Preface Some of you will read this with no understanding of what I am speaking of. Others will assume I am talking of certain groups and may be on target or way off. With so many opposing opinions and viewpoints on the theories mentioned, I will clarify some of the terms I will use so there is a clearer understanding so I don’t offend certain subgroups. I will be using the terms “reptilian, Drac, Rep, and Snakes” to describe negative reptilian and inter-dimensional entities. Now I am not speaking of the reptilians who are spoken of by the inner earth groups or the ones who mean us no harm I am speaking of the darker entities that have found it necessary […] Read More