ABOUT THE INFORMATION ON ALIENS THAT FOLLOWS May 12, 1990 Question: This information on the alien presence, that has not yet been published: Does Awareness suggest that this take priority over the other more spiritual information, because of the possibility that `window’ could close sooner than expected, or does Awareness see this `window’ remaining open and the alien information being sent out over a period of six months or a year and be balanced with other, less negative, information? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness suggests that the most poignant, most precise, most important information be released first; that the other information may be seen as likened unto the flesh that fills out the skeleton. This Awareness indicates there could come a time wherein this information would […] Read More

1996: Shimmers

By David Moncur Truthseekers 1996 Shimmers, for want of a better term describe an unusual change whereby a person can be seen to transform into an alien or other creature. The term is becoming more used these days by UFO and Paranormal researchers as the old term, known as a Transfiguration, is probably a bit harder to remember! David Moncur, an Edinburgh researcher explains. Also with there being more than one instance of a particular phenomenon researchers will often look for a more popular and consistent term of reference. Mr Robert France may be able to be credited for this as I firstly noticed him use the term “Shimmer” a case which he was involved and wrote up. The case took place on the 11th […] Read More

2002: Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan

This article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda. It merely skims the surface and should therefore supplement your own research, not replace it. If you want a thorough grasp of what’s going on, I recommend analyzing with discernment the following books: Gods of Eden – William Bramley The Threat – Dr David Jacobs Taken – Karla Turner The Love Bite – Eve Lorgen Into the Fringe – Dr Karla Turner God’s Gladiators – Stuart Wilde Tales from the Timeloop – David Icke UFOs and the National Security State – Richard Dolan The Allies of Humanity – Marshall Summers Bringers of the Dawn – Barbara Marciniak The Ra Material, Books I,II,III – Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert Cassiopaean Transcripts – Cassiopaeans, LKJ Each of these […] Read More

The MIB, Reptilians and You

Formerly titled “The Pasturing and Use of Homo Sapiens” by “TAL” My late friend, Richard Shaver, told me that asking “officialdom” for action about UFO data is like a Jew asking Hitler for mercy on the grounds that you have a family to care for. The storm troopers reaction is to go out and pick up the rest of the family. Most UFO buffs think that their efforts will lead to some sensible attention by the powers that be, attention to the broad problem that UFOs present … the problem of “Are they invaders?” and “What do they want here on Earth?” and all those other nagging questions. They come to Earth for things surface people don’t know about. Earth is on the ancient space […] Read More