2014: Simon Parkes Video Interview with Alfred Webre 10/16/014

This is the Simon Parkes video interview from October 2014 where he talks about Ebola, 2017 Shift and many things. These items are bulleted below and then a commentary on the video by a colleague. This is the link to the interview: Hard times ahead, next two years. Shift to begin/happen in 2017 The battle to come is an energetic one involving DNA of many ET soul families Evil groups on earth wanting to kill those who have or will manifest the full 12-13 strands of DNA Lyran ET genetics involved with humanity for thousands of years The 12 Strands of DNA and the 13th “activation metagene DNA strand” which activates the 12 Simon’s own soul combination of 1/3 human, 1/3 mantid and 1/3 reptilian […] Read More

2014: The Phenomenon of Cattle Mutilations

The phenomenon of cattle mutilation has long been a topic of conjecture and debate in UFO circles, as well as government conspiracists. LisaHaven, like many others ties both together. The main interest to Aliens, (we talk specifically about Regelians) is breeding, with humans of course. They need the cattle’s tissues because they have the same carron cells as the human being at Genetic levels. All incisions would be made by Replicas, Clones, or Androids. They can send teams and take the material they need, and it doesn’t matter where or how much. If they need it, they just take it. This means that Rigelians are not Vampires, or that they need it for survival, but just immoral scientists that need material for experiments, (we really don’t […] Read More


Many so-called UFO “abductees”, especially in recent decades, have described encounters with remarkably similar types of entities, some of the three most prominent being the “Greys”, the “Reptiloids”, and the “Nordics”. As in the case of abductee Ted Rice and other incidents related by the late Karla Turner and others, at times all three of these types of entities are seen collaborating together. In other cases, the reptilian entities have been seen masquerading as “Nordics” by using some type of projected hypnotic or holographic field, apparently in an effort to deceive abductees and gain their compliance. This is not to say that ALL Nordic or human type “extraterrestrials” are in fact reptilians involved in some type of fifth column “THEY LIVE” {the movie} agenda against […] Read More


One of the most unusual species of the extraterrestrial phenomena are the reptilians. The first encounter I had with a reptilian was in my bedroom while my husband was out of town. He came to me as a silhouette of light in the darkness of my room. After many other visits I was finally able to see him. My contact with him continued for 20 years until I found a way to stop it, which was over a year ago. I have had contact with several other alien species since I was 3 years old: The first type was a mammalian and was followed by greys, grey hybrids, and insectoids. The military is working with them, as well as a humanoid species who came to […] Read More

2013: Drawings of Reptilians

I must say, I found the information that is located on your website, about reptilian humanoids to be extremely interesting and exceedingly informative. Bravo! Anyway, I have enclosed three drawings in this E-mail – which provide crystal clear depictions of what these vastly misunderstood beings – really look like. The pictures and descriptions are as follows; A Portrait of a Snake Man A Portrait of a Lizard Man A Picture of a Lizard Man and a Grey Humanoid in a Spaceship Please can you E-mail me and inform me of your decision regarding the possible installation of my three drawings on your magnificent website. Thank you exceedingly much, Paul Atkinson


By David Icke I witnessed a “channeling” session this week in England, performed by a channel/medium I was very impressed with. As readers of my books will know, I am extremely wary of channeled information because while on occasions it can come from a high and enlightened source, much of it is very low level or, frankly, a sham. However, I felt that this channel was one of those who is truly gifted and a wealth of detailed information emerged that confirmed and added to my own research, which has been very much gathered in this dimension and not through channeled messages. Anyway, here is some of the information that came through relating to the relationship between the reptilian bloodline and the Illuminati obsession with ritual. As always, the choice […] Read More

2004: Alex Collier – On Reptilians

A Leading Edge Interview by Val Valerian Leading Edge Website “Descendents of Noah = human-reptilian crossbreeds, or at least those who have interbred enough to maintain that genetic structure” David Icke ~ The Biggest Secret The Draconians and the Paa Tal: The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life – which from their perspective exists as a natural resource. The Draconians look at lifeforms that they have created or altered as a natural resource. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race, which was first brought to Mars and then to Earth. The primate race was then tinkered with by many other different races – 21 other races – resulting in the primate race having been modified 22 times. This […] Read More

2013: The Aliens!

From life on Mars, to little green men, to the commonly known “GREY” alien. There is a connection! How many alien races exist? It’s hard to say, but one thing is absolutely certain. At least one of those is visiting the human race, on a daily, casual basis. There are skeptics out there, who will sway you from this. History has taught us, that without skeptics, research, planning, discovery, and acceptance never happen. Usually, and unfortunately for the skeptics, they are all of a sudden wrong. Because honest skepticism is ok, and a normal thing, we do not point fingers at these people. Until discovery is made, we shun them and disregard them. We should thank them, however, for they are the reason we continue […] Read More


This is Part 2 of 3 of my story about the Orion Lizards or Changelings. So now I will jump forward to a time that I get was approximately 450,000 years ago. I cannot be absolutely certain of the time, but I do know what happened, because once again, one of my “Other Selves” was there. This would be a very critical time in the history of the Earth, and it would lay the cornerstone for what is happening here today. What happened fits in very well with my theory that the Changelings’ ultimate motive and goal was to eradicate all traces of the Reptilian DNA and replace it with their own. Does this sound too preposterous? Maybe, or maybe NOT. But either way, this […] Read More

2006: Spirits in the sky

Could aliens be our ancestors? A growing number of UFO cults think so, reports TORI SHEPHERD 18apr06 ACROSS Australia, people are looking to the skies for a savior. Many people have seen objects in the sky that they could not identify, and many believe that we are not alone in the universe. But there are also people who have built spiritual belief systems around the idea that aliens once came to Earth, and will return one day to take them away to a better place. The Raelians, who had their “annual awakening seminar” earlier this month in Queensland, are a prominent group in Australia that believe aliens created them and will return. These are most commonly referred to as UFO cults, the most infamous of […] Read More