1998: TALtruths

There is a “SEEKER” born every minute. * This is the KEY to the UNI-versal TRUTH: “Love radiating through our heart is the ultimate universal unifying force. By creating the shareable feelings of unconditional love, compassion and joy in our heart chakra, we align ourselves to the Earth and universe, thereby staying in harmony with the cosmos. In choosing these feelings, which create the heart harmonics, we accelerate the willed evolution of our DNA.” But, The Reptilians use the “Occult” (Hidden) Knowledge (and they are the ones behind “hiding” it from Humanity) to “teach/manipulate” only PART of the Truth. They want you to “BECOME a “Shelled” EGG. An “enclosed” chakra system. An “EGG”. Then the Serpent energy “attacks” the “Third Eye” and the Reptilians “Hive” […] Read More

2004: How ETs Affect Our Live

ETs are intricately involved with much of our lives on an unconscious level. Many have been assigned to most humans, and their purpose is to find ways to harvest as much of our life force energy as possible, for purposes of their own races’ survival. It is possible for them to do this connection through our own parallel negative thoughtforms, which is what provides the linkage for them to access our field. While this may seem like a fear based concept ~ that they are accessing and taking our chi energy, it is not really any more negative than our human race using the plant and animal kingdom for our own food source and livelihood. The ETs are based in the 4th and 5th dimension, […] Read More

1992: Galactic Family, An Overview of Genotypes

Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that “his” orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term “germane” in the English language means “significant relevance” or “coming from the same source”. Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. Germane: Greetings to you. ‘Tis a pleasure to be here once again. We would like to give you information about the physical genotypes of your galactic family. This is information you have been asking about for quite some time and we would like […] Read More

1998: COSMOLOGY 101

The following information may be true, then again it may not be true. Or it could be a combination of both. These are actual claims made by abductees and contactees as to the nature of certain specific star systems in our general galactic neighborhood, as well as the nature of their inhabitants. Just how much of the following claims are accurate, I do not know. Perhaps some of you out there have ‘inside’ knowledge that can serve to confirm, refute or refine some of these claims. If so, then by all means please share your feedback, so that we can begin to get a handle on the who, what and where of our interstellar neighbors, whether these “neighbors” prove to be friendly or not- so-friendly. […] Read More

2003: Alien Intro -Another View

What we call “aliens” are hyperdimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our perceptions and can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent visitors to earth, but have been here for hundreds of thousands of years and continue to live here, mostly in underground bases. Some “aliens” helped genetically engineer the human race, while other factions later crippled human genetics in order to turn mankind into little more than a source of physical and etheric food. Today, those interacting with humanity via abductions have a negative orientation and intend to create a race of human-alien hybrids capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to the interdimensional alien empire. Literature tends to identify these negative “aliens” as the […] Read More


I wouldn’t be too quick to applaud these scientists who create the experimental lifeforms. I have observed and have also been told by quite a few people about a particular organism that seemed to be multiplying rapidly in the atmosphere over the last 4 years. Based on descriptions, they look like needles, appear as acrylic or clear plastic would, are airborne organisms that always seem to make a mad dash for the mouth and noses of humans. They have little claws/feet and a big head with teeth. They are not easily visible by the naked eye. They can survive for days submerged underwater, Listerine, and other solutions including alcohol. What I have observed, is that they go from person to person and put up a […] Read More

2006: Mysterious red cells might be aliens!

By Jebediah Reed Popular Science Friday, June 2, 2006; Posted: 12:36 p.m. EDT (16:36 GMT) As bizarre as it may seem, the sample jars brimming with cloudy, reddish rainwater in Godfrey Louis‘s laboratory in southern India may hold, well, aliens. In April, Louis, a solid-state physicist at Mahatma Gandhi University, published a paper in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Astrophysics and Space Science in which he hypothesizes that the samples — water taken from the mysterious blood-colored showers that fell sporadically across Louis’s home state of Kerala in the summer of 2001 — contain microbes from outer space. Specifically, Louis has isolated strange, thick-walled, red-tinted cell-like structures about 10 microns in size. Stranger still, dozens of his experiments suggest that the particles may lack DNA yet […] Read More

2006: Anatomy of Reptilian Rape

By: Wiz Kininigin 03-09-2006 An Update from the Experiencer of ‘The Vipers Enchantment’: Dear Reader: Time has spiraled since the ‘ViperBite’ (03-1998) and now years past since I finally grew the nerve to write something about it late July of 2004. Immediately after, darkness descended around us. Our dogs were killed, a strange black cat appeared from down the road, then the neighbors took to gossip and betrayal, we had terrible nightmares and fierce attacks on our heart chakras during sleep. Still, in spite of the relentless negative presence, we were positively assisted, the looming neighborhood mountain our silent witness. Eventually, after being obliged to move along, I’ve preferred to remain nomad ever since. Throughout this ongoing odyssey, we have maintained correspondence with Eve Lorgen, […] Read More

2000: From the Garden

Image by nuclearmse via Flickr by Cassie  © 2000 The subject of “good” vs. “bad” reptilians is such a broad issue but I feel it is necessary to make some sense of this confusion so we each know where we stand on these issues. More and more people are beginning to “wake up” and become aware that we have been infiltrated by beings that are not quite “human“. These “para-humans” which are part human and part…something else…walk amongst us in human forms yet are perceived as spiritually altered hybrid humans by many people. There are many explanations I could go into here but I will make it as simple as possible. The reptoid/dragon-like species referred to here are very old, older than the human race…and […] Read More

2004: Snakes at the Water cooler: The Reptilian Presence at the Office

By Cassie © 2004 Preface Some of you will read this with no understanding of what I am speaking of. Others will assume I am talking of certain groups and may be on target or way off. With so many opposing opinions and viewpoints on the theories mentioned, I will clarify some of the terms I will use so there is a clearer understanding so I don’t offend certain subgroups. I will be using the terms “reptilian, Drac, Rep, and Snakes” to describe negative reptilian and inter-dimensional entities. Now I am not speaking of the reptilians who are spoken of by the inner earth groups or the ones who mean us no harm I am speaking of the darker entities that have found it necessary […] Read More