1998: Gods or Greys?

Editorial on the subject of Ancient Astronauts… I do not subscribe to the view, as many do, that in order to prove that extraterrestrials visited Earth thousands of years ago, one need only look at ancient structures such as the statues on Easter Island or the pyramids of Egypt. It is my opinion that the ancient people of earth were, in fact, capable of building such structures solely on their own. However, I do firmly believe that the human race has been visited on an almost continual basis since the dawn of civilization. If one looks at early cave paintings and the art of ancient civilizations all over the world, as well as historical record, reoccurring themes of spaceships and “aliens” in spacesuits can clearly […] Read More

1999: The Great Experiment

THE PLAN THE PURPOSE In the previous articles we looked at the background as to what is transpiring in and on the outer reaches of our Solar system, and who is involved. Now let us look for an explanation as to why these events are unfolding at this time. THE EXPERIMENT Approximately 500,000 years ago, TERRA (planet earth) experienced a severe orbital problem. (tile to a glancing blow from a passing meteorite) This resulted in a rapidly decaying orbit, where failure to control this event would have created a ripple effect on neighbouring stars in addition to other neighbouring orbiting celestial bodies. Thus was the scenario that brought in the involvement of the Galactic Federation. In an unprecedented move, the Federation called upon its planetary […] Read More