By Elaine Douglass The U.S. government has a close working relationship with alien beings, three unnamed witnesses told a California radio station in a program aired in June. The four-hour program, produced and broadcast by KPFA-FM in Berkeley, Calif., ranged widely over the UFO topic, but the most explosive segments were the testimony of a construction contractor who said he saw aliens at Edwards  Air Force Base and at the China Lake Naval Weapons facility in California; the testimony of a man who described  “saucers” being launched from a Northrop facility near Edwards; and a woman’s second-hand account of a meeting between aliens and U.S. military officers. Moreover, it now appears that KPFA’s voice in the UFO area has been silenced. Although in June the […] Read More


Following are quotations from a document [actually a detailed report, called PROJECT BETA] which was compiled by scientist Paul Bennewitz for officials at Kirtland AFB who were working with Bennewitz in an operational plan to bring down the ‘alien‘ base at Dulce, New Mexico… that was until ‘other interests’ deep within the intelligence community got involved and brought enormous pressures against Bennewitz and various Kirtland AFB officials — Col. Edwards, AFOSI agent Richard Doty, the Wing Commander and others who were involved — to CEASE the investigation. Although Paul has apparently been ‘silenced’, the discoveries which he has made in regards to the physical-technological aspects of activity taking place in and around Dulce cannot be silenced. PROJECT BETA is apparently a proposed plan for a […] Read More

1954: Edwards Agreement

There are numerous and consistent indications that the US Government has made a secret agreement with the Greys and some other alien species. It is not clear when this would have happened. Several sources mention that in 1954, probably on 20 February, the Greys would have landed at Edwards Air Force Base, and met with President Eisenhower. Other sources, however, mention 24 April 1964, and a landing at Holloman AFB According to the agreement, the US Government would allow people to be abducted on the condition that they would not be harmed, that they would be returned safely and that they would not remember the incident. In exchange, the US Government would get highly evolved technology. Another part of the Edwards Agreement was the exchange of […] Read More

1954: Did President Eisenhower Meet With Aliens?

March 01, 2009 Item 2.25: FOIA Request to CIA re Film Footage of Eisenhower’s Inspection of an Alien Spacecraft and Its Deceased Occupants TO: Ms. Delores M. Nelson Information and Privacy Coordinator U. S. Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 FROM: Larry W. Bryant 3518 Martha Custis Drive Alexandria, VA 22302 DATE: March 1, 2009 1. On February 3, 2009, a surrogate UFO-E.T.-coverup whistleblower named “Bob” phoned into the late-night syndicated radio program Coast-to-Coast AM (hosted by George Noory). “Bob related the circumstances of his acquisition of certain 16-mm film footage showing President Eisenhower and the late aviation pioneer Howard Hughes inspecting the apparent remains of a crash-landed flying saucer and its alien crew. (See my below-quoted transcript of “Bob’s” account.) This latest evidence implicating […] Read More

1997: Greys

Small neo-sauroid race, very prolific and intelligent. May be the ‘brains’ or ‘intellect’ of the serpent race, whereas the larger ‘Reptoids’ allegedly act as the PHYSICAL overlords and thus are of a higher ‘ranking’ than the Greys. The Greys are reportedly very predatory and insensitive to humans, and like other reptilian entities they allegedly ‘feed’ off of human fluids by rubbing the ‘protein formula‘ on their bodies, which is then absorbed into the skin, and like snakes the ‘waste’ is excreted back through the skin. The Greys range from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft. tall on the average, with skin colors ranging from grayish white to grayish blue to grayish green. Aside from feeding off of human proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed […] Read More