The following is a message delivered to a “contactee“, from an alleged member of an interplanetary confederation who goes by the name of “K.H.“. This information comes from the book “MYSTERIOUS SIGNS IN THE SKY“, by Israel Norkin, 1984, Exposition Press, Smithtown N.Y. A similar exposition from an alleged Federation member can be found at… this site K.H. – …Beware of false prophets because they come in sheep’s clothing and, unfortunately, some actually think they’re working for the forces of Light. Poor misguided souls! They are aiding the forces of the antichrist in stirring up dissension. Those who are working with the Christ Light need not prove anything! Their own works are the calling card. “By their works, ye shall know them.” Is that not […] Read More

2011: Inside Mt. Shasta’s Sacred City of Telos

An Anonymous Account of One Visitor’s Experience Inside Mt. Shasta’s “Sacred City of Telos”. 7 01 2011 Story by “M” (Anonymous account) The Mt. Shasta story begins 6 months prior to my being taken inside the Mountain. We (my husband, his son by a prior marriage and our two small children ages 2 and 4 and my Siamese cat, Pixie) had packed everything we owned into a U Haul trailer and moved from the desert to the mountain. A friend of ours and his family had preceded us by about a week and when we arrived at Mt. Shasta we dropped the U Haul at his place and headed up the mountain to camp overnight. We stopped at one campground and got out to set […] Read More