The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities by Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns Table of Contents Introductions ………………………………….. 1 Quotes ……………………………………….. 17 Documents …………………………………….. 20 Freedom of Information Act ……………………… 74 JMP Request for Executive Order …………………. 75 Lear-Cooper Indictment ………………………… 79 Mind Control ………………………………… 89 Groom Lake and Dreamland ……………………… 106 John Lear Statement, Revised 25 June 1988 ……….. 112 Mutilations, Military and Aliens ……………….. 119 Abductions …………………………………… 130 Four-Corners Map …………………………….. 136 Project Beta, September 9, 1978 ………………… 137 The Case of Paul Bennewitz …………………….. 151 Dulce Genetic Facility in New Mexico ……………. 154 United States Tunnel Maps ……………………… 162 CIA and UFO Data ……………………………… 164 Technical Agency Information …………………… 167 Historical Data Regarding Aliens and the Government. 171 Definitions and Projects ………………………. 192 Conclusions ………………………………….. 195 […] Read More


Names have been changed to protect the innocent…And the guilty. My name is Theo. I’ve been abducted by aliens- not just your ordinary, run of the mill grey types or even Draco-Reptilians. These aliens were Nords, but instead of being prodded or probed, I was given an insightful view into their terrifying schemes and bathing habits. Actually, I don’t even remember being taken. One evening, I was relaxing, reading a book in my apartment. I believe it was the new Walter Kinkaid novel. I must have dozed off. The next thing I remember seeing was the black polished jackboots in front of my face (I was lying on the floor at the time, on my stomach). As I looked upward, past the black uniform, I […] Read More