UFO Contact from the Pleiades – Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 Asket Influences Meier’s Preparation Upon establishing telepathic contact with Meier, Asket took over his education and preparation where Sfath had left off. It was she who led him through a series of adventures designed to toughen him for the adversity to come. It was she who led him through Africa and the experiences in the French Foreign legion, the Desert Caravans, the slavers, revolutionaries and bootleggers; into the hands of the pirates of the Arabian Sea, and across the Indian Ocean as a sailor with the freighters to the sub-continent of India. It was Asket who by subtle influence guided Meier through most of the religions of Europe, Africa and Asia, joining them one by one in turn in his own search for a belief system acceptable to him. […] Read More

1996: Donald Worley: A Journey Into the World of Reptile and Hooded Aliens

Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher Where is their world? It is just beyond your fingertips — in a parallel universe just beyond your limited senses. I will present three incredible cases for your thoughtful deliberation. As we look at the main facts in them I will try to reach some tentative conclusions that you may or may not agree with. The most important questions are always, “Who are these silent specters?” and “Why are they here?” I will give each case the titles of THE ZOMBIE WALKER, THE BLUE JEANS GIRL, AND THE REPTILIAN VETERAN. All the names and locations in this article are generalized for I cannot reveal them. I simply say on my honor as an investigator researcher for over 38 years that […] Read More


Many so-called UFO “abductees”, especially in recent decades, have described encounters with remarkably similar types of entities, some of the three most prominent being the “Greys”, the “Reptiloids”, and the “Nordics”. As in the case of abductee Ted Rice and other incidents related by the late Karla Turner and others, at times all three of these types of entities are seen collaborating together. In other cases, the reptilian entities have been seen masquerading as “Nordics” by using some type of projected hypnotic or holographic field, apparently in an effort to deceive abductees and gain their compliance. This is not to say that ALL Nordic or human type “extraterrestrials” are in fact reptilians involved in some type of fifth column “THEY LIVE” {the movie} agenda against […] Read More

1998: Reptiles/Serpents/Lizards in History/Mythology/Religion

The bible frequently refers to demons and devils as serpents or serpentine creatures which live within the earth (stating the obvious). Ancient Hebrew religious texts refer to the serpent of the garden of Eden as “Nachash”, which many Hebrew scholars contend was a bipedal or hominid reptile of great intelligence. Consider why a serpent would be the biblical animal in Genesis that tempted Eve. It is also known through studies of evolution that the limbs of many reptile species atrophied over time, as the creatures lost the need for them. The bible speaks SPECIFICALLY of how the serpent from the garden was cursed to crawl upon it’s belly AFTER it’s actions with the Adamic race. That would obviously indicate that the infamous serpent of the […] Read More

The Coming of the Cassiopaeans

For almost five years these pages have consisted almost exclusively of the original, verbatim transcripts from the “superluminal communication” sessions with “us in the future,” also known as the Sixth Density Light Beings In Service to Others, the Cassiopaeans. Having seen so many examples of “Voices of Higher Beings” falling into corruption through ego or anticipations and expectations of others, I endeavored with fervent determination to keep myself, my ego, my story and anything of a personal nature OUT of the content. However, a recent correspondent with my husband, Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczk, wrote the following regarding these pages: “…I visited your wife’s site and found your physics page there. It’s a pity it can’t be linked to your other site… it’s one of your best […] Read More

The Coming of the Cassiopaeans 3

During all of these events, there was a constant growing estrangement between me and my husband who was completely skeptical about any “phenomena,” even that which he had witnessed; and there was absolutely no support given to me in my struggles to understand what was happening to my clients and to me. He was contemptuous of my dedication to help all of this suffering – to find answers for all of us. His answer was to dive back into his religion and read the Bible desperately whenever any questions came up for which there were no answers. He wasn’t finding any answers in the Bible, he was just using it as a crutch to block out any thinking of his own. Every mystery was reduced […] Read More

1995: Aliens: Angels or Demons

Many people, especially with Christian background, are afraid of the UFO phenomena and usually perceive it as the influences of the devil or keep another fear pattern against it. I found this fragment on alt.alien.visitors (kind of rude newsgroup) who might show two different Christian point of views on the UFO phenomena: Someone wrote: … According to the Bible; So as it was in the days of Moses, So shall it be in the last days. In the days of Moses, the fallen angels (demons) had mated with the human race and created a hybrid race called the (Nephelim?). It is clear to me that this is once again part of their agenda. He shall come as an angel of light and deceive the very […] Read More

1993: Observed UFO Occupant Classifications

The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition (vol. 3 no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine. by Richard D. Butler Thomas Bergen (thomas@obc.is.net) 17 Oct 1994 posted: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 26 “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the Sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose… There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them….” Genesis, […] Read More


John A. Keel, in his book ‘OUR HAUNTED PLANET’, gives an interesting introduction to the reality of an alien race that has taken careful measures to remain hidden from the mass consciousness of those dwelling on the surface of planet earth — or those ignorant ‘human cattle’ whom they are intent on manipulating and exploiting from their secret hiding places above, below and even amongst the inhabitants of planet earth: “…The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America. “…In some parts of the world the Serpent People successfully posed as gods and imitated the techniques of the super-intelligence [God]. This led to the formation of […] Read More


Note: as this story unfolds, the events demonstrate the increasing power Roger and Jack were being given to counteract this menace. Their use of it demonstrates their sense of responsibility in using whatever means that were necessary to counteract the threat of three Alien races in an alliance bent on conquering the earth, without causing unnecessary loss of alien life. These feats described are typical of what is waiting for all of us when we ascend from the present 3rd density into the 4th and then 5th. But self control and acting for the highest good for all concerned is a primary requirement for maintaining this power. Letter from Jack to Roger Nov. 19, 1998:I felt “something” wrapped around me, and tuned in and it […] Read More