There are many who claim that extraterrestrial life exists throughout the universe, and therefore they claim that the Bible must be discredited as a result, due to its implications that physical life was created for the first time on planet earth. From a Judeo-Christian perspective however, the stars and galaxies would be inhabited by angels, both standing and fallen angels, however physical beings such as humans and animals would NOT have been CREATED on other worlds. For according to the Torah or the Bible , it was God’s plan to CREATE man first on EARTH and no where else. That is, planet earth being the “cradle” of all physical life. Yet, as some have said, does one necessarily remain in the “cradle” forever? So then, […] Read More


SUBJECT AUTOPSY REPORT 1 DATE 7/14/47 COPY ONE OF THREE INITIAL FINDINGS UPON EXAMINATION AND AUTOPSY OF THE BODY OF AN APPARENT ALIEN CREATURE 1. External Appearance This body was observed to be in a state of significant deterioration. It had been preserved with formaldehyde solution but not otherwise dissected. The cadaver was 44 inches long with a weight of 27 pounds when the preservative solution had been drained. The external appearance of this cadaver was of a human embryo with an enlarged cranium. Hands and feet were normal. Fingers and toenails had been pared. Fingerprints of a swirl-left pattern were observed and taken. All ten fingers and toes were apparent. There was some vestigial webbing between first and second fingers and toes. Sexual organs […] Read More

2013: The Creatures from the Black Lagoon of the Reptile Mind.

Dog Poet Transmitting……. The reason they came up with an underwear bomber is the same reason they came up with a shoe bomber. First they wanted to get into your shoes and then they wanted to get into your underwear. After that they want to get into your body. But job one, day one, they want to get into your head. These are stages of humiliation designed to strip you of your dignity, They could have fixed it for Richard Reid to blow up his foot and they could have fixed it for Abdulmutallab to blow up his balls but neither of these have the graphic potential of a suspicious passenger being overpowered on an airliner while weird shit happens. This way, you know exactly […] Read More

2000: From the Garden

Image by nuclearmse via Flickr by Cassie  © 2000 The subject of “good” vs. “bad” reptilians is such a broad issue but I feel it is necessary to make some sense of this confusion so we each know where we stand on these issues. More and more people are beginning to “wake up” and become aware that we have been infiltrated by beings that are not quite “human“. These “para-humans” which are part human and part…something else…walk amongst us in human forms yet are perceived as spiritually altered hybrid humans by many people. There are many explanations I could go into here but I will make it as simple as possible. The reptoid/dragon-like species referred to here are very old, older than the human race…and […] Read More

2004: Snakes at the Water cooler: The Reptilian Presence at the Office

By Cassie © 2004 Preface Some of you will read this with no understanding of what I am speaking of. Others will assume I am talking of certain groups and may be on target or way off. With so many opposing opinions and viewpoints on the theories mentioned, I will clarify some of the terms I will use so there is a clearer understanding so I don’t offend certain subgroups. I will be using the terms “reptilian, Drac, Rep, and Snakes” to describe negative reptilian and inter-dimensional entities. Now I am not speaking of the reptilians who are spoken of by the inner earth groups or the ones who mean us no harm I am speaking of the darker entities that have found it necessary […] Read More

2001: Invisible aliens on earth

For the past 12 months, I have been having a strange experience which I would like to share with you and this web site is the only way I know of doing so. It is to do with God and invisible aliens on earth. I won’t go into too much detail about God as that is a personal thing and because there is a more important message I have to get out. What I will say about God is that some of the things written in the bible are true so if you haven’t got a copy of the bible to go get one and read it. One of the things which is not true is the reference to God our father. It is actually […] Read More

2013: How Extraterrestrial Intelligence Regards Humanity

by Gabriel Chiron I FEEL THIS GOES A LITTLE TOO FAR, AND THE THINKING BELONGS TO THE PRE-‘60S ERA. HOWEVER THIS SHOULD NOT BLIND US TO THE HUGE NUGGET OF OBJECTIVE INFORMATION INCLUDED,… ETI attitudes toward humanity are not very flattering. The humanity of the planet called Earth is generally considered to be an inferior and unworthy species. Human beings cannot easily handle the truth about humanity because that is an integral part of the human condition. Ignorant pride cannot handle being told that it’s an inferior individual with learning disabilities. If it could be shown the truth of ignorant pride and learning disability, if would no longer be completed in that state. This is particularly true of human beings who have risen to positions […] Read More

1999: Graying Mantis

by Martin S. Kotttmeyer What, I wonder, is the desired reaction of an author who asks a question like, “Was Jehovah perhaps a praying mantis being?” The ufologist asking this question is one Joe Lewels and to all appearances he is not kidding. He frames his question in a context of mysteries about why God would not reveal his countenance to his chosen ones like Moses. Answer yes and the Israelites would have been horrified. He points out that a sect called the Mandaeans believed that the physical world was created and ruled over by a Lord of Darkness variously known as Snake, Dragon, Monster, and Giant. In April 1996, Lewels met a lady he calls Rebecca Grant who developed a relationship with a mantis […] Read More

1999: The Race from Alpha Draconis

The Draconis race is probably the most misunderstood. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear. The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe. Their forefathers, somewhere in our most ancient past came to our Universe from another separate Universe and/or reality. When this actually occurred no one really knows. The 11 (Council of Eleven) have said that the Draconans themselves aren’t clear how or when they themselves got here, but what is interesting is that they declare and teach to the masses that they were in this universe first, before humans beings, and that they are the true heirs to this Universe and, as such are all royalty. Most, if not all, human […] Read More

1998: Details Concerning The Serpent Race

The following information was released by Leading Edge Research and describes some additional details concerning the serpent race/greys based upon the findings of several researchers who have pooled their investigations in order to find out more about this apparent enemy of mankind. The following scenario emerged from this cooperative effort (emphasis ours – Branton): “NOTES ON ALF (Alien Life Forms): Term used by the government to describe the Greys in terms of being a MALEVOLENT life form. The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different (from) ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms (the ’body terror’ mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber). The field around them is in direct opposition to ours. […] Read More