2009: Discerning Alien Information

OTE: Our members include many contactees and others who are in direct contact with interdimensional beings, sometimes without actually realizing it.   At this time the Aliens Beings who are being threatened by the rising energies are seeking dos seduce unwary humans to help them with their agenda, which is to remain in control of Earth. For this reason, they will be seductive and appear to be “turning to the light”, something that very few humans can discern, and an intentionally deceptive ploy.  This is an interesting read and gives us a lot to think doubt whether we agree with everything in it or not. » Download the PDF: Fully formatted, 690kB. Good for printing in landscape mode with two pages per sheet. Also available […] Read More

2015: 4 Types Of Multidimensional Beings

by Cosmic Oneness All beings are multi-dimensional including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. The variety of beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening your third eye and spiritual transformation is truly amazing. From nature spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny beings in particles, there are beings everywhere. An explanation of the infinite variety of beings in existence is beyond the scope of any book as it is truly infinite. By awakening your spiritual senses you will inevitably become aware of many different beings and you will be able to communicate directly with them. The communication used is telepathic although sometimes […] Read More


Name: The Arcturians. Life Form Type: Humanoid  Subspecies: Blue Arcturians Most Common Species: AKA: Location  – Home System:  Arcturus is the brightest, or alpha-star in the Bootes Constellation, and is seen as a golden-yellow or orange star. Arcturus also is “an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and birth. It functions as a way station for non-physical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality.” Distance from Earth: It lies at a distance of approximately 34 -36 light-years from Earth Attitude: Arcturus is the home of higher dimensional entities, who are dedicated to service and healing. They specialize in emotional and spiritual healing and have mastered techniques, far beyond what we can imagine. Motives: The Arcturians are a very spiritual race that lives in a universe or reality […] Read More