1998: What the Aliens Left Me

Excerpted from What the Aliens Left Me by Patrick David MacKondy Copyright © 1998 FATE Magazine September 1998 Twinsburg, Ohio, was a great place to raise a family in 1966. I was a dapper, sandy-haired six-year-old. I lived in a beautiful new apartment complex with my father, mother, and sister. My father was an advertising director for a regional grocery chain, and he was in the process of building us a stately Colonial house down the street. I have wonderful memories of waiting for my dad to get home from work at 5:30. We would walk to our future home to check on the day’s progress. Even today, when I smell freshly cut plywood or drywall, memories of those days rush back to me. Our […] Read More

The Coming of the Cassiopaeans 3

During all of these events, there was a constant growing estrangement between me and my husband who was completely skeptical about any “phenomena,” even that which he had witnessed; and there was absolutely no support given to me in my struggles to understand what was happening to my clients and to me. He was contemptuous of my dedication to help all of this suffering – to find answers for all of us. His answer was to dive back into his religion and read the Bible desperately whenever any questions came up for which there were no answers. He wasn’t finding any answers in the Bible, he was just using it as a crutch to block out any thinking of his own. Every mystery was reduced […] Read More

1999: The Greys: UFOs From The Hollow Earth

By “Kirt A. Dankmyer — aka Loki” <dankmyka@wfu.edu> This adventure can be played seriously, for laughs, or both ways… Recently, there has been an upswing of UFO sightings and reported abductions in the area, including cattle mutilations. If the PCs are angels, a favored servant is abducted, tortured, and left, Essence-free, in the middle of a field a nervous wreck, able to do little besides recount the experience. If the PCs are demons, or don’t have any servants, one of them might get kidnapped — but the kidnappers hastily drop them off as soon as they realize the PC isn’t blowing all his Essence in fear. In fact, if the PC is a demon, they might apologize before beaming him down from the mother ship […] Read More

The Yellow Book 2

What follows is the original Text concerning Yellow Book from “The Aviary” by Richard Boylan, a great researcher willing to have his reports published and stand up to public scrutiny! The Yellow Book is reported to actually be a sort of holographic compact disk, which can project images of the information it contains. It is alleged to contain references to Biblical events, even including a holographic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ. The red Book is a human compendium of information derived from the extraterrestrials. One of the predictions is that there will be a very large rift in human society as a result of ET contact becoming publicly known. This is supposed to happen in 1997. Another reported prediction is that the ETS will […] Read More


Author of this document to remain anonymous. Author wishes reader to know that this is only a 1st draft, as yet unfinished work in progress. The Editor of Informant News convinced author of importance of this information to the public and need for timely distribution. You are encouraged to share and distribute for non-commercial purposes as far and wide as possible as long as this entire document, including this header are included. http://www.informantnews.com FULL BRIEFING DOCUMENT “THREATS TO HUMAN FREEDOM” PREPARED FOR ALL TERRESTRIAL EARTH HUMANITY January 29,2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Ancient History 1.2 Recent History 1.3 Alien Messages 1.3.1 The Response 1.3.2 The Alien With Disk 2. THREAT ASSESSMENT 2.1 Foreign Threats 2.1.1 Human Looking Andromedians Pleiadians Procyonians […] Read More


by D. M. 17th March 2004 The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth – it is a system devised by aliens. The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies a long, long time ago. This system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants who remain on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they escaped this world (see my previous writing of Nibiru and the Anunnaki for further explanation). The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the […] Read More

1980’s: Alien Encounter

I had an experience with these aliens when I was about 6 or 7. I always thought aliens were just from outer space but now I realize a group of them took me underground through a cave entrance and my memory of the whole thing pretty much ends right there. I’m 37 now and that one particular what I thought dream has been with me ever since. Derek Mon 3/28/2011 4:17 PM

1999: Reptoids

A theory on the phenomenon known as Reptoids I have to tell you, the first time I heard of the word Reptoids, I was a little bit skeptical to say the least. Initially they seemed like something that belonged in a Star Trek tv show, not in any serious type of discussion to do with alien beings that perhaps visit this Earth. As time wore on though, I found my skeptism turning from “What ? Are you kidding?” to ” Maybe it’s me thats crazy!”. The journey was one of learning, of having my most smug beliefs about the world we live on turned inside out. So while till this day I cannot say with total conviction that I know Reptoids exist, I cannot deny […] Read More