2015: Mothman: Eyewitness Accounts

In celebration of author John Keel and the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, WV this weekend, I’m offering a few Mothman eyewitness accounts from the past: Mothman Comes Home I received the following email from a woman in Ohio who had concerns in reference to a sighting her and a girlfriend had six months prior to the report. She stated that she substituted their names for anonymity. ‘Megan’ affirms that all other details…location, date and description of the incident are factual: “Sir – my name is Megan. I am forwarding a summary of an experience that I and a friend had in August 2010. My friend and associate Kyra and I traveled from Columbus, Ohio to Ravenswood, West Virginia on business. While we were there, […] Read More


Many so-called UFO “abductees”, especially in recent decades, have described encounters with remarkably similar types of entities, some of the three most prominent being the “Greys”, the “Reptiloids”, and the “Nordics”. As in the case of abductee Ted Rice and other incidents related by the late Karla Turner and others, at times all three of these types of entities are seen collaborating together. In other cases, the reptilian entities have been seen masquerading as “Nordics” by using some type of projected hypnotic or holographic field, apparently in an effort to deceive abductees and gain their compliance. This is not to say that ALL Nordic or human type “extraterrestrials” are in fact reptilians involved in some type of fifth column “THEY LIVE” {the movie} agenda against […] Read More

1998: The MIB Enigma

By: Louise A. Lowry Who are these strangers called Men-in-Black (MIB)? Arguments for and against do little to resolve this ever-increasing mystery. Are they part of our own “Secret Government?” Or are they extraterrestrial entities themselves? Often people saying that the faces of these MIB were Oriental looking. And what about the reports of them even being “Robots”? Here are reports and stories so bizarre that many of them defy any sort of earthly explanation, stories of actual UFO sightings and people’s harassment by the MIB. Including my own true story when I was a child and the stranger that dared to come. A Craft Sighting, Plus a Stranger As I think back on this time in my life, I find it very weird as […] Read More


John A. Keel, in his book ‘OUR HAUNTED PLANET’, gives an interesting introduction to the reality of an alien race that has taken careful measures to remain hidden from the mass consciousness of those dwelling on the surface of planet earth — or those ignorant ‘human cattle’ whom they are intent on manipulating and exploiting from their secret hiding places above, below and even amongst the inhabitants of planet earth: “…The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America. “…In some parts of the world the Serpent People successfully posed as gods and imitated the techniques of the super-intelligence [God]. This led to the formation of […] Read More


According to a video tape made by a former C.I.A. agent, John Lear, based upon what he said he witnessed from military agents with top secret security clearances, there are about 70 different extraterrestrial civilizations that have been monitoring the Earth. Based on interviews by civilian UFO researchers from civilian professional UFO research organizations there have been people reporting abductions by beings from at least 40 other planets, although the negative experiences seem to be confined to about 6 prominent planets in both studies. The other reported beamed-up or taken-up experiences and land encounters have involved entities either friendly or neutral who are studying us much like our own scientists study primitive natives in jungles. There have been reported contacts with beings from 4 other […] Read More

1947: Men In Black and the Maury Island Incident

Introduction Rest assured, to many whom have experienced some form of ufotic experience, followed by later visitations of a surrealistic nature, the Men in Black (MIB) scenario may be considered more fact than fiction. Regardless of what you may think about this aspect of the UFO – Extraterrestrial continuum, fact or fiction, it seems to have evolved to a mythological level of its own. Will the mysteries behind the MIB ever be solved? Can humanity, at its present level of evolution, hope to answer the previous question? Or are we not yet ready for the answers, psychologically, emotionally, or physically. Could be we are not ready. But that won’t keep us from the attempt to find them. It is best to look at all paranormal […] Read More

The Krill Report 3

A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL The Men in Black All things considered, UFO research has become pretty much of a circus today, and the most intriguing and controversial sideshow skirting the edges is the question of the “silencers,” or the mysterious “Men in Black.” There is a strong subliminal appeal in these accounts of visits by mysterious dark-suited figures (I have been visited myself, as have others I’ve known) attempting to silence UFO witnesses. A typical situation would be that a witness has a UFO sighting or UFO-related experience. Shortly thereafter he is visited by one or more “odd“-looking men who relate to him the minutest details of his experience, even though he has as yet […] Read More

2013: UFOs & The Human Death Factor

by Don Ecker In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling questions that have plagued researchers has been “Is the UFO Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?” Over the years, there have been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into human deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially ruled accidental. When speaking of cases where death has resulted, usually most assume cases where military pilots have died as a result of “chasing” the phenomenon. One of the most famous of these military chases that is discussed when ever the subject of death and UFOs is raised, is the famous “Mantell Case“. This case is so well known that I will not discuss it here, but there are many […] Read More

1998: Men In Black

Also referred to as the ‘Men In Black‘ or ‘Horlocks’. These are apparently in many cases humans who are controlled by draconian influences, although other ‘MIB’ have been encountered which do not seem human, but more reptilian OR synthetic. The ‘MIB’ have been encountered often after UFO sightings, usually intimidating witnesses into keeping silent about what they’ve seen (many of the witnesses may be ‘abductees’ with suppressed memories of the event). Their ‘threats’ appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize ‘terrorism’, ‘fear’ or ‘intimidation’ as a psychological weapon against witnesses. This ‘weapon’ may not only be used to keep the human ‘MIB’ under control but by the human MIB themselves. ‘They’ are often though not always seen in connection with large, black automobiles, some […] Read More

1988: Men in Black: The UFO Terrorists

Anne Jablonicky, UFO UNIVERSE Vol.1, No.3, Nov.,1988 I have never dared to tell this story before. First off, nobody would believe me, and second of all, how does one go about coming to terms with a terror so unbelievably real that it literally make the hair on your arm bristle, and your flesh crawl? The “Men in Black” – or “MIB” for short – have had this ominously evil effect on dozens of other level-headed individuals. But let me explain in more detail for those not aware of the regin of terror that has gone on in the UFO field, almost totally undetected for so many years. There are it would seem, at leased two different distinct types of MIB that we must contend with. […] Read More