2005: Aliens in Archaeology

Guest Writer All Contents on this page are Copyright 2005 by Robert Baird All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with Permission Aliens in Archaeology By Robert Baird As you read this book you will have to suspend the disbelief you feel when confronted with my assertions that for at least 5000 years man has been in close contact all over the world. If you have read my other books you will know I have made the case better than any and that there are lots of good scholars who agree with me. Puma Puncu and Lake Titicaca may provide the proof as a recent research team finally checks out the spires of ancient buildings that fishermen have tied their boats to for millennia. Here high in the […] Read More

2008: They Are Already Here.

Jan. 16, 2008. Here is a person who thinks the space people are already here. Mr. Brooks and the Alien Invasion from Underground History teaches us everything but we always fail to learn. When Lawrence of Arabia attacked Akkaba with his Arab ‘army’ it was only possible, as he well knew, because the big guns the Turkish a-my had had all been fixed into place to only fire in one direction, out to sea, and not to be able to turn and face the burning ‘uncrossable’ desert that stretched for hundreds of miles behind them. There’s an invasion going on, and our ‘big guns’ are all fixed in place facing in one direction outwards while the invasion quietly goes on from behind us. This is […] Read More