1933: Land of the Lizard People

According to the legend and the radio surveys, the underground city was laid out in the shape of a lizard, with its tail under the Main Library at Fifth and Hope. In the summer and fall of 1933, a Los Angeles mining engineer named G. Warren Shufelt was surveying the L.A. area for deposits of oil, gold, and other valuable materials, using a new device that he had invented. Shufelt had designed and built a radio-directed apparatus which he claimed was able to locate gold and other precious resources at great depths. He believed that the radio device worked on a newly discovered principle involving electrical similarities of matter which had the same chemical, physical and vibrational character. His device appeared to consist of a large pendulum […] Read More

1934: Ancient “Lizard People” Underground in LA?

The Hopi Indians of northern Arizona have traditions that recall a time when their “Snake Brothers” built and occupied underground cities in Arizona, California, Mexico and Central America. Once such underworld city is believed to have been built on the west coast, near the Pacific ocean, under Los Angeles, California. Strangely enough, one engineer’s search for LA’s mythological underground city gained enough credibility to have his efforts presented as front-page news in the Los Angeles Times newspaper, January 29th, 1934. Top, dead center of the front page is an artistic rendition of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Below the image is an article titled, “Lizard People’s Catacomb City Hunted: Engineer Sinks Shaft Under Fort Moore Hill to Find Maze of Tunnels and Priceless Treasures of Legendary Inhabitants.“ Quoted in its entirety, the article […] Read More


By Elaine Douglass The U.S. government has a close working relationship with alien beings, three unnamed witnesses told a California radio station in a program aired in June. The four-hour program, produced and broadcast by KPFA-FM in Berkeley, Calif., ranged widely over the UFO topic, but the most explosive segments were the testimony of a construction contractor who said he saw aliens at Edwards  Air Force Base and at the China Lake Naval Weapons facility in California; the testimony of a man who described  “saucers” being launched from a Northrop facility near Edwards; and a woman’s second-hand account of a meeting between aliens and U.S. military officers. Moreover, it now appears that KPFA’s voice in the UFO area has been silenced. Although in June the […] Read More

1996: Lizard People not yet found underneath Los Angeles & other stories

There are 270 tunnels beneath Los Angeles, arranged in a network. Since they have, for the most part, been sealed up with fences, they are no longer used for street-crossings. There are older tunnels, under Bel-Air estate, UCLA, and El Pueblo de Los Angeles State Historic Park not far from Olvera Street. The latter tunnel is alleged to have hid many during the 1871 massacre of Chinese, recounts Cecilia Rasmussen in her article “L.A. Scene: The City Then and Now” in the July 22, 1996 Los Angeles Times. Hopi Indian legend reports a sub-surface maze existing almost 5,000 years ago. G. Warren Shufelt, a mining engineer, went in search of it during 1934. That year, using a dowsing rod he called a “radio X-ray,” he […] Read More


Alleged Alien Abductees have Anomalous Objects Surgically removed from their Bodies! Derrel Sims at John Muir Medical Center Story by Jack Carlson, local MUFON member * These names have been altered to protect their identities. Late in the afternoon of Saturday, August 19, 1995, Dr. Carl Smith*, with the assistance of a general surgeon, took his scalpel and made a 3/4″ incision down the inner half of the big toe of a patient who was lying on her back. Patricia Connely*, a former abductee, was about to undergo an exploratory surgery to remove two anomalous foreign objects which were lodged in her big toe. Stan Moore* was focusing his video camera on the area being incised, thus recording the entire proceedings for posterity. A direct, […] Read More