Many so-called UFO “abductees”, especially in recent decades, have described encounters with remarkably similar types of entities, some of the three most prominent being the “Greys”, the “Reptiloids”, and the “Nordics”. As in the case of abductee Ted Rice and other incidents related by the late Karla Turner and others, at times all three of these types of entities are seen collaborating together. In other cases, the reptilian entities have been seen masquerading as “Nordics” by using some type of projected hypnotic or holographic field, apparently in an effort to deceive abductees and gain their compliance. This is not to say that ALL Nordic or human type “extraterrestrials” are in fact reptilians involved in some type of fifth column “THEY LIVE” {the movie} agenda against […] Read More

1995: Aliens: Angels or Demons

Many people, especially with Christian background, are afraid of the UFO phenomena and usually perceive it as the influences of the devil or keep another fear pattern against it. I found this fragment on alt.alien.visitors (kind of rude newsgroup) who might show two different Christian point of views on the UFO phenomena: Someone wrote: … According to the Bible; So as it was in the days of Moses, So shall it be in the last days. In the days of Moses, the fallen angels (demons) had mated with the human race and created a hybrid race called the (Nephelim?). It is clear to me that this is once again part of their agenda. He shall come as an angel of light and deceive the very […] Read More


AN ‘ANONYMOUS’ SOURCE ‘MAY’ HAVE ‘INTERCEPTED’ THE FOLLOWING ‘SUBSPACE TRANSMISSION’ [BEGIN TRANSMISSION] From: Draculi-Levithon IV-0094736 Commander of the Alpha Draco Regional Contingent Ephraim [Canada] & Mannassah [USA] sectors Solar-3 [Terra] Infiltration force Station-D, Level-VII To: Rashtikarsh-Draculon IX-0006476 Central Commander Alpha Draconian Galactic Intelligence Force 664th degree Terminal #3 – Central Nexus Command Planet Typhon, Alpha Draconia Glorious and Exalted One, I send you my humble greetings. Might and power be to your holy and majestic name, and to your service as director of Galactic Intelligence on behalf of his great and omnipotent highness, the Lord Emperor of Alpha Draconis, and arch-regent of Lucifer. Ever since our illustrious race in the most ancient of times joined in alliance with the Luciferian gods, also known by the […] Read More


There are many who claim that extraterrestrial life exists throughout the universe, and therefore they claim that the Bible must be discredited as a result, due to its implications that physical life was created for the first time on planet earth. From a Judeo-Christian perspective however, the stars and galaxies would be inhabited by angels, both standing and fallen angels, however physical beings such as humans and animals would NOT have been CREATED on other worlds. For according to the Torah or the Bible , it was God’s plan to CREATE man first on EARTH and no where else. That is, planet earth being the “cradle” of all physical life. Yet, as some have said, does one necessarily remain in the “cradle” forever? So then, […] Read More

1998: Reptilians / Reptiods

These physical descriptions are compiled from a large database on reptilian-human contacts. In some cases, the experiencer may recall only one physical characteristic of the nonhuman entity that was encountered. On the other hand, other people have vivid memories of their encounter and are able to provide detailed reports of the reptilian being’s anatomy. The following is a compilation of these eyewitness descriptions for your review. Generally speaking, there are three basic reptilian physical types. The Reptoid (reptilian-humanoid crossbreeds), the various reptilian-grey crossbreeds types and the hierarchical reptilian overlords called the Draco (winged reptilian beings). Although the reptilian being species are divided into three basic types, there are physical features that are shared by almost all. These commonalities will be covered under the description of the Reptoid […] Read More

Reptilian Encounter

I’ve had a terrifying experience with those reptilians like 4 times, but it happens to me if i sleep on my back, & also happened twice when on my side. the first time was really scary, i was sleeping on my back when i suddenly woke up and felt someone huge on top of me pressing down on my arms really hard, and i could feel its breath on my face, but at first i was so scared to open my eyes, but after like 5 seconds i open my eyes & there it was right in my f***kin’ face,i remember it was wearing like a graduation gown but with a hood,but it’s face was not green it was more like reddish clay,like a redskin indian,scales,sharp teeth, i wanted too yell but could not. […] Read More

2010: David Icke & Credo Mutwa — The Reptilian Agenda

Amazing confirmation that a reptilian extraterrestrial race has controlled the world for thousands of years. David Icke talks with the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa. In this fantastic interview, Credo Mutwa reveals the story of the reptilian takeover of Planet Earth and how a shape-shifting Reptilian race (the “Chitauri” to Africans) has controlled humanity for thousands of years and how their bloodlines are in the positions of royal, political and economic power today. This program will re-write the UFO/ET story in a way that will blow your mind. Credo Mutwa has endured endless threats and attempts on his life, in an effort to silence him, right up to the recording of this interview. However, as Credo says, The world must know this and know it now. […] Read More

The Reptilian Blood Legacy

“The black magic rituals we know as Satanism are the modern expression of the rituals and human sacrifice in ancient Babylon and the Brotherhood infiltrated societies of the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian, peoples, among many others across the world. It has been a seamless procession through history of the same rituals to the same deities and this remains of fundamental importance to the initiates of the Brotherhood today. My use of the term Satanism has nothing to do with the Christian version of [censored]. I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it may seem; to most people, is commonplace all over the world today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of […] Read More

1999: The Race from Alpha Draconis

The Draconis race is probably the most misunderstood. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear. The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe. Their forefathers, somewhere in our most ancient past came to our Universe from another separate Universe and/or reality. When this actually occurred no one really knows. The 11 (Council of Eleven) have said that the Draconans themselves aren’t clear how or when they themselves got here, but what is interesting is that they declare and teach to the masses that they were in this universe first, before humans beings, and that they are the true heirs to this Universe and, as such are all royalty. Most, if not all, human […] Read More


Name: Zombies AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: humans with alien brain implants programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE. Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Humanoid Sub Species: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: Humans with alien brain implants programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE. Source: