THINK ABOUTIT’S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY – The Felines (the Lion People)

Name:  Felines (Parent Race of the Humans) AKA: Location  – Home System:  Avyon, a planet in the Lyra Constellation. The real name cannot be translated into English.  Avyon was a paradise planet with mountains, lakes, streams, and oceans. This blue planet was very much like our present earth in form and variety of vegetation and life forms. When the Felines arrived, they were in etheric form, and therefore, went through the stage of evolving a physical body in which to reside on the planet. After many millions of years, they evolved the lion and other felines and began incarnating into those forms Distance from Earth: Attitude: Curious, adventurous, creative, imaginative, organized, focused, planners, tenacious and intense yet capable of profound relaxation and deep meditation. Independent yet capable […] Read More

2014: The 3 Earth Grand Experiments

  First Earth – Lyra (Vega Star System) Long ago, before time as we know it began, there were the Founders of the Universe, highly evolved souls that had already completed many universal games.  Being creator gods, they decided to create a universe of their own. As the twelve came together, they were faced with the question of which “game” to choose so that the souls created in, or coming to, their new universe could spiritually evolve.  And spiritual evolution is what every soul desires. Finally, after much consideration, they chose the game known as “Polarity Integration.”  This game is one of many that involves the integration of the Light and the Dark developed by Divine Creator in order to experience all that He/She is. […] Read More


Name: Vegans AKA: Location  – Home System: Vega is the alpha [or brightest] star in the constellation of Lyra, even though it is actually closer to Earth than it is to the other star systems in the Lyra constellation. Descended from refugees from the ‘Lyran Wars‘, who work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades, Wolf 424, and elsewhere. Vega was one of the first Lyran civilizations to develop a unique and cohesive identity that assisted in seeding and colonizing many systems, including Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion.”  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Relatively peaceful and gentle humans, often described as “dark-skinned orientals” similar to the native residents of the nation of India. Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 6 to 7 feet tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: black hair Skin: darker skin (sometimes […] Read More


Name: Taygetean AKA: Location  – Home System: Blond or in some cases brunette Nordics type humans based in the Pleiadians Taygeta systems, which were allegedly colonized after their former planetary abode in the was invaded by dinosaurian entities (reptilians, greys, etc.).  The main  Pleiadian planet of ‘Erra‘, was alleged ‘Terra-formed‘ by the refugees from Lyra [which is much nearer to earth–around 30 light-years. Distance from Earth: 430 light-years Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 5 – 6.5 feet Average Weight: 120 – 240 pounds (estimated) Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Blonde Skin: Pale white Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Telepathic Origin: Pleiades Life Form Type: Humanoid Sub Species: Nordics Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: The Pleiadians were apparently the first ‘human‘ society […] Read More


“The constellation of Lyra has long been recognized in Earth’s mythology. Some have even connected it with the Pleiades (for example, Ovid, who mentioned that the seven strings of Lyra equaled the number of the Pleiades). This can be considered the birthplace or womb of the humanoid race within Earth’s area of the Milky Way. All subspecies such as Sirians, Orions, Earth/Terrans, Pleiadians, Vegans, Zeta Reticulans, Centaurian, Altairians(and many lesser-known groups) are descendants of the Lyran races.” (Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra) Lyra has played an important part in the History of Earth and Mankind, as did the Sirians and Pleiadians. (Together, they are often referred to as the ‘Lyran Group‘). When it comes to what man (homo sapiens) physically looks […] Read More