2015: Project Serpo – The Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens

In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO Discussion Group led by former U.S. Government Employee Victor Martinez. These emails detailed the existence of an Exchange Program between the U.S. Government and the Ebens – alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The program was thus called Project Serpo. The source identified himself as a retired employee of the government, claiming he had participated in a special program. The program’s origins lay with the two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, the famous Roswell incident and another one in Corona. He claimed one extraterrestrial survived the crash and was transferred to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The other six deceased extraterrestrials were placed in […] Read More


This info is from the late ’90s THIS INFORMATION COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE AND FREEDOM THE COMING “OFFICIAL” ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ALIEN PRESENCE ON EARTH WHY “STAR WARS“, THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE, THE SUDDEN FALL OF COMMUNISM? What is going on? Something very sinister is going on. Polls reveal that over 90% of the Americans people believe in UFO’s and 95% of these people believe the government is keeping this knowledge from the public. But Why? Are they afraid the people will panic if an “Official” announcement was made? Hardly. Such an announcement would create interest and excitement and many questions, particularly by the churches, but do not panic. Why then the continued cover-up? There is overwhelming evidence in the past several years from “Whistle […] Read More

1998: The Aviary

UFO/ET-Disclosure Policy Splits Covert Network by Richard J. Boylan Ph.D. Since sometime in the 1970’s, a small group of individuals with extremely high security clearances, who were working on various aspects of UFO research and policy, began to interact unofficially on a regular basis to pool information. Their objectives were to coordinate data, see the big picture, analyze the meaning of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth, use this knowledge to gain access to additional information on the hyper secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12, the government’s ultimate UFO-information control and policy group) and gain special influence through their collective power. This elite group of roughly a dozen individuals working on national security assignments gave themselves code names, using mostly bird names. Collectively, they came to be called […] Read More

1998: The Government and the Greys

The following is a transcript of information found in a document that was released by researcher L. M. Graham. Copies of the original document can be obtained from PEA Research., Milpitas, CA 95035, along with other documentation concerning secret technologies allegedly possessed and utilized by secret governmental organizations as well as documentation and information on a possible interaction between deep government groups and a race of small non-human entities commonly known as the ‘Greys‘. Areas in the document where (XXXXXX) appears indicates areas where the writing in the duplicate copies obtained by PEA and other groups is too faint to be readable: EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE – EXECUTIVE BRIEFING SUBJECT: PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS) – ATTENTION THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY MJ-12. MJ-12 IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SUBJECT MATTER. DOCUMENT CONTROL: […] Read More

2004: How ETs Affect Our Live

ETs are intricately involved with much of our lives on an unconscious level. Many have been assigned to most humans, and their purpose is to find ways to harvest as much of our life force energy as possible, for purposes of their own races’ survival. It is possible for them to do this connection through our own parallel negative thoughtforms, which is what provides the linkage for them to access our field. While this may seem like a fear based concept ~ that they are accessing and taking our chi energy, it is not really any more negative than our human race using the plant and animal kingdom for our own food source and livelihood. The ETs are based in the 4th and 5th dimension, […] Read More

1990: CIA Mj-12 Memo??

By: Robert M. Collins This memo below published originally in 1990 as an appendix to Bill Moore & Jamie Shandera’s Mj-12 Documents Report has been checked with a couple of sources in “a need to know.” Here are some points they made: 1) The memo(s) are not legitimately classified CIA documents. 2) Since they appear to be interoffice memos there was no care taken to properly classify them since they were to be shredded right after they were read. 3) The details in the memo(s) ie, movements and conversations appear to be correct from what they knew. Notes on “blacked out” areas starting with the first “blacked” area: Was ___ Should read—-DCDR2…..R2 being ?? Was ___/Mj-12 Should read—-NSA/Mj-12 Was ___ Should read—-EBE-2 Where it says […] Read More


It will be fine with me if you post my paper on The Aviary. I’m assuming you are posting the entire article, unedited. Best wishes, Rich Richard Boylan, Ph.D. Since sometime in the 1970s, a small group of individuals with extremely high-security clearances, who were working on various aspects of UFO research and policy, began to interact unofficially on a regular basis to pool information. Their objectives were to coordinate data, see the big picture, analyze the meaning of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth, use this knowledge to gain access to additional information on the hyper secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12, the government’s ultimate UFO-information control and policy group) and gain special influence through their collective power. This elite group of roughly a dozen individuals working […] Read More

2003: Alien Intro -Another View

What we call “aliens” are hyperdimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our perceptions and can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent visitors to earth, but have been here for hundreds of thousands of years and continue to live here, mostly in underground bases. Some “aliens” helped genetically engineer the human race, while other factions later crippled human genetics in order to turn mankind into little more than a source of physical and etheric food. Today, those interacting with humanity via abductions have a negative orientation and intend to create a race of human-alien hybrids capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to the interdimensional alien empire. Literature tends to identify these negative “aliens” as the […] Read More

2009: The Alien Grays-Reptilian Agenda and secret Goverment Programs

April 7, 2009, 3:41 pm 1947 = Central UNIT has their own Disc “Fighter” Craft. All kinds of in fighting breaks out about the “ALIEN” situation. The USA Military wants more TECH than the “Aliens” want to share. “Aliens” appear in force. High-Energy RADAR-type Weapons are used to try to disable “Aerial” Craft. Some are secret “German” Disc Craft….others are Reptilian Craft. The CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is formed (reporting to the NSC). With all the confusion, the CIA spreads more Dis-Information to the public. NOTE : MAJESTIC 12 MJ-12 is a ULTRA TOP SECRET Research and Development, Intelligence Operation established by President Truman on September 24, 1947. MJ-12 was a “Committee” set up inside the NSC. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed the Secret Executive Order, […] Read More

1995: An Alien Harvest 2.6

Evidence of Grey Origins and Reasons for Human Abduction version 2.6 Written and Compiled by Dragonbane Please Direct any questions to by E-mail to: Dragonbane@mail.utexas.edu Among the mysteries of modern ufology is the origin of the entities known as the Greys. These small beings are the most commonly observed entities reported by abductees aboard the extraterrestrial craft and are believed to be the ones most responsible for human abductions. There are many things that we do know about the Greys, derived mostly from abductee reports, but there is far more that we do not yet know or understand. Using the evidence at hand, including a collective of abductee reports and stolen government files, it is now possible to make accurate estimates of several aspects of […] Read More