1993: Men In Black, An Investigation

BoB Oechsler (reprinted on totse.com) Men In Black 11-11-93 Among the attachments included here are responses to questions submitted regarding CURSE.TXT, Guardian, “Original Guardian”, Alien Liaison book reference authored by Timothy Good, etc. and the following file listings. 11] Biographical Information Sheet – BoB Oechsler 12] Guardian Investigation – UFO Video Case (February 1993) 13] Insider’s Report – Investigating the Guardian Enigma The latter is an indepth report on the investigation through May of 1993. There have been other interesting revelations and discoveries since then that again tend to support more of Guardian’s claims reported as “preposterous” by Robert Stack on the “Unsolved Mysteries” broadcast of 2-03-93. My personal experience indicates that this one case has been subjected to more diversified scientific scrutiny than any […] Read More

1988: Men in Black: The UFO Terrorists

Anne Jablonicky, UFO UNIVERSE Vol.1, No.3, Nov.,1988 I have never dared to tell this story before. First off, nobody would believe me, and second of all, how does one go about coming to terms with a terror so unbelievably real that it literally make the hair on your arm bristle, and your flesh crawl? The “Men in Black” – or “MIB” for short – have had this ominously evil effect on dozens of other level-headed individuals. But let me explain in more detail for those not aware of the regin of terror that has gone on in the UFO field, almost totally undetected for so many years. There are it would seem, at leased two different distinct types of MIB that we must contend with. […] Read More

2001: The Men in Black Phenomenon

Space 2001 MIB. One of the most unusual aspects of the UFO mystery is the Men in Black (MIB) phenomenon. It involves the subtle intimidation of UFO witnesses by strange visitors dressed almost entirely in black. The recent movie on the subject trivialized the whole issue, but what is the truth concerning MIB? Is it all just a baseless fantasy or is there really an agency that sends out darkly dressed men to secure peoples silence? Long term activity. Years of amassed evidence points to a definite trend that is no mere illusion. In the 1950’s a number of witnesses to UFO sightings claimed to have received threatening visits from men attired almost entirely in black. Typically they would be dressed in black suit and […] Read More

The MIB, Reptilians and You

Formerly titled “The Pasturing and Use of Homo Sapiens” by “TAL” My late friend, Richard Shaver, told me that asking “officialdom” for action about UFO data is like a Jew asking Hitler for mercy on the grounds that you have a family to care for. The storm troopers reaction is to go out and pick up the rest of the family. Most UFO buffs think that their efforts will lead to some sensible attention by the powers that be, attention to the broad problem that UFOs present … the problem of “Are they invaders?” and “What do they want here on Earth?” and all those other nagging questions. They come to Earth for things surface people don’t know about. Earth is on the ancient space […] Read More

1998: Men in Black Facts

Appearance Often described as having olive complexions with Asian or Gypsy – like features. Eyes are often described as strange, sometimes glowing. Clothing New black suits, black hats and sun glasses. Clothing is sometimes described as being made from a strange material. Speech MIBs tend to speak in a monotonous, mechanical tone, often with a strange accent. Witnesses have reported that their sentence construction and choice of words was peculiar. Typical encounter MIBs , traveling in groups of up to three, usually visit recent UFO witnesses and warn them not to report their encounter. They often claim to represent some government agency (which invariably proves to be false) and briefly flash official-looking ID. Those visited by MIB often feel ill afterward, sometimes for days. Aliens […] Read More

1998: Exploring The Myth of The Men In Black

Andrew Lunn, British UFO Research Assoc., and ISUR This section explores the myth of the MIB(Men In Black). It is mainly based on my MIB research regarding incidents after 1976 in England. Many seem to feel it was divisions of the USAF that created the MIB myth, but this could not be further from the truth. There is strong evidence to suggest that MIB have been co-existing with us, since we care to remember and this leads one to ask why there was ever such a need. The actual basis of their origin lies deep within the recesses of the UFO witness, as research suggests that MIB normally make an appearance after somebody has witnessed a UFO. This has often led me to believe whether […] Read More

2011: Lair of the Beasts: Monsters the Men in Black – Mania

Mothman & the MIB By Nick Redfern     May 21, 2011 For decades – or perhaps even for centuries, some firmly believe – the infamous Men in Black have been elusive, predatory, fear-inducing figures that have hovered with disturbing regularity upon the enigmatic fringes of the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), coldly nurturing, and carefully weaving, their very own unique brand of horror and intimidation of a definitively other-world variety. The preferred tools of terror of the MIB are outright menace, far less than thinly-veiled threats, and overwhelming, emotionless intimidation. And they are relentless when it comes to following their one and only agenda – that is, to forever silence witnesses to, and investigators of, UFO encounters. Unfortunately, it has to be admitted, they […] Read More

1998: Close Encounters with Mysterious ‘Men in Black’

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #2 (February – March 1998). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. editor@nexusmagazine.com Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.com © by Albert K. Bender 1963 Extracted from his classic book: Flying Saucers and the Three Men First published in 1963 by Neville Spearman Limited, London, UK and more recently by Illuminet Press, USA as a limited edition ——————————————————————————– Discord first arose at IFSB [International Flying Saucer Bureau] headquarters at a meeting held early in March 1953. We voted to hold what we would term a “World Contact Day“, on which we would urge all IFSB members to attempt to send out a telepathic message to visitors from space. If […] Read More

1976: Agents of the Dark – Men in Black

‘The Unexplained’ No. 39 Rarely – if ever – do the threats of the mysterious Men In Black, following a close encounter, come to anything. So what could be the purpose behind their visits? In September 1976, Dr. Herbert Hopkins, a 58-year-old doctor and hypnotist, was acting as a consultant on an alleged UFO teleportation case in Maine, USA. One evening, when his wife and children had gone out leaving him alone, the telephone rang and a man identifying himself as vice-president of the New Jersey UFO Research Organisation asked if he might visit Dr. Hopkins that evening to discuss certain details of the case. Dr. Hopkins agreed; at the time, it seemed the natural thing to do. He went to the back door to […] Read More

2000: About Mothmen and Men in Black

What may well have been the most notorious of all “scares” involving reptilian beings, involved a combined “invasion” of pterodactylin-hominoid “Mothmen” and “Men In Black”. These creatures have been referred to as Mothmen, Winged Dracos, and Winged Serpents, depending on the source involved. They reportedly terrorized a particular area in West Virginia, according to John A. Keel, in the mid-1960’s. Keel is convinced that these malevolent entities were involved in the tragic “silver bridge” disaster in which several UFO witnesses perished, based on certain strange circumstances surrounding the event. In his book ‘THE MOTHMEN PROPHECIES’ (Signet Books., N.Y.) Keel reveals the following: “The moment I met Mrs. Hyre’s niece Connie Carpenter in 1966, I knew she was telling the truth because her eyes were reddened, […] Read More