Ever wondered why no one has set foot on the Moon for decades? And why there’s no permanent outpost already established there? Is it because the Moon is not a viable celestial body to harness, or maybe because all of the above mentioned are already happening, but we are not being told about it? The answer to these questions may be easier than first anticipated, but complex at the same time. Dr. Michael Salla has pointed out that there is a military-industrial extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) on the surface of our ‘natural satellite’, and there’s a strong possibility of an alien regime currently operating on the moon in tandem with humans. To support his claims and those of many others, the Chinese have released an intriguing […] Read More

2016: NASA and Russia Received Three Detailed Messages from Alien Planet

In an attempt, to reach Earth, an alien species sent out three detailed messages. NASA and Russia were the first to get them and the findings are beginning to baffle scientists. NASA AND RUSSIA GET ALIEN MESSAGE FROM STAR When astronomers first felt the spike in radio signals from a distant star, they were all too excited. The sources of this signal came from the sun-like star called HD 164595. Not exactly a catchy name but that’s not the point here. This star is from constellation Hercules nearly 95 light years away.  Some of the more boring scientists out there think this is nothing more of a natural phenomenon. However, other astronomers think NASA and Russia just received an alien message. It’s not the first time […] Read More

2015: Secret Space War halts as Extraterrestrial Disclosure Plans move forward

Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 31, 2015. Posted in galactic diplomacy Large scale hostilities in an undeclared war being fought in deep space, Mars and on Earth between two secret space program alliances have come to a temporary halt according to the latest in a series of disclosures by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG). In part one of his responses to a new set of questions (see below), Corey describes a complex planetary situation involving multiple space programs, both modern and ancient, and extraterrestrial civilizations in a struggle for dominance over how much information and technology will be released to the rest of surface humanity. For some, Corey’s disclosures are a product of fertile imagination appropriate for a coming Star […] Read More

2015: Surprising Discoveries On Ancient Hindu Texts Describes 7,000-Year-Old Planes That Could Travel To Other Planets; NASA Tries To Stop The Revelations?!

Mahabharata manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra (Image from Wikipedia.org) January 5, 2015 –  INDIA – Ancient knives so sharp they could slit a hair in two, 24-carat gold extracted from cow dung and even 7,000-year-old planes that could travel to other planets. Those are just a couple of the startling claims made at this week’s Indian Science Congress. The surprising discoveries based on ancient Hindu texts, such as the Vedas and the Puranas, were presented at a session on “Ancient Indian Sciences through Sanskrit,” held for the first time in the history of the Indian Science Congress, which took place for the 102nd time in Mumbai on Sunday. One of the more controversial lectures, presented by Captain Anand Bodas, a retired principal of a pilot training […] Read More

2014: CAPTAIN “K” OF MARS (Soundcloud Audio)

In the 1960’s there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. This plan, provided by the Brookings Institute, was completed in December of 1960 and pointed out the very real fear of social disintegration if humanity discovered in its cosmic sojourn proof of extra-terrestrial life. The Brookings report was very clear when it suggested that “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different societies in different ways.” Needless to say the guardians of intelligence suggested that […] Read More


According to a video tape made by a former C.I.A. agent, John Lear, based upon what he said he witnessed from military agents with top secret security clearances, there are about 70 different extraterrestrial civilizations that have been monitoring the Earth. Based on interviews by civilian UFO researchers from civilian professional UFO research organizations there have been people reporting abductions by beings from at least 40 other planets, although the negative experiences seem to be confined to about 6 prominent planets in both studies. The other reported beamed-up or taken-up experiences and land encounters have involved entities either friendly or neutral who are studying us much like our own scientists study primitive natives in jungles. There have been reported contacts with beings from 4 other […] Read More

The Krill Report 3

A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL The Men in Black All things considered, UFO research has become pretty much of a circus today, and the most intriguing and controversial sideshow skirting the edges is the question of the “silencers,” or the mysterious “Men in Black.” There is a strong subliminal appeal in these accounts of visits by mysterious dark-suited figures (I have been visited myself, as have others I’ve known) attempting to silence UFO witnesses. A typical situation would be that a witness has a UFO sighting or UFO-related experience. Shortly thereafter he is visited by one or more “odd“-looking men who relate to him the minutest details of his experience, even though he has as yet […] Read More

The Krill Report

CONFIDENTIAL A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED  TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL ABSTRACT Throughout the forty-year period when UFO has been actively observed in our civilization, a lot of data has been gathered — data which has often pointed to aspects of the phenomena that have been suppressed. As a result of the suppression and compartmentalization of the information, our culture has been fragmented into several levels of “reality” which both co-exist and oppose each other. Part of our culture does not or will not believe in the existence of other species; part of our culture acknowledges their existence or the probability of their existence; part of our culture is actually interacting with the other species. These simultaneous realities contribute to the […] Read More

1998: ET Facts

At this point in our discussion of extraterrestrials, let us somewhat arbitrarily use the term “race” to distinguish various extraterrestrials of decidedly different appearances. Further research into exo-biology, (the science of extraterrestrial life’s physical structure and processes), will help us understand better whether we are dealing with various races of an intelligent species, or whether we are dealing with several intelligent species. So would the declassifying of the Government’s already considerable covert research on extraterrestrial biology, (such as is going on at NASA’s Ames Research Center, Sunnyvale, CA, and at Los Alamos National Laboratories, NM). For convenience, I shall use the term race to distinguish extraterrestrials of significantly different anatomical features. The most common Extraterrestrial race encountered has a number of variants. These variations in […] Read More


Already Passed by Congress —————————————————————————- According to a law already on the books: (Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, adopted on July 16, 1969, before the Apollo moon shots), anyone guilty of such contact automatically becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one year and fined $5,000. The NASA administrator is empowered to determine with or without a hearing that a person or object has been “extraterrestrially exposed” and impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed guard, which could not be broken even by court order. There is no limit placed on the number of individuals who could thus be arbitrarily quarantined. The definition of “extraterrestrial exposure” is left entirely up to NASA administrator, who is thus endowed with total dictatorial […] Read More