Dear Steve: A couple months ago I sent you the Area 51 GIF showing the LOCATION of the Visitor facility. Of late, I have been reading your FIDONET posts and have just explored the web page. Under MARS ANOMALIES re: the “crater with tube running out” you did not notice the two funny objects (covered with dirt) that the tube connects ? That is THE base on Mars utilized as a Earth signals monitoring and research facility. You have put the photo of the base on the WWW ! The tyrannical ATLZAN civilization had advanced much more than this one and even established some colonies. This was the FIRST “New World Order” which the SAME types are now trying to re-establish. The colonies rebelled – […] Read More


It will be fine with me if you post my paper on The Aviary. I’m assuming you are posting the entire article, unedited. Best wishes, Rich Richard Boylan, Ph.D. Since sometime in the 1970s, a small group of individuals with extremely high-security clearances, who were working on various aspects of UFO research and policy, began to interact unofficially on a regular basis to pool information. Their objectives were to coordinate data, see the big picture, analyze the meaning of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth, use this knowledge to gain access to additional information on the hyper secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12, the government’s ultimate UFO-information control and policy group) and gain special influence through their collective power. This elite group of roughly a dozen individuals working […] Read More

2013: Invasion From The Fifth Dimension

NEW YORK-A prominent international think tank has released the first official report exposing the long suspected existence of the fifth dimension. The report, sponsored by NASA and released this month states that “The theories from turn of the twentieth century scientists were correct; the world of the fifth dimension is a reality”. The report goes on to reveal that by the early summer of 1922 German physicists, under the leadership of Albert Einstein and Max Planck had shown that the then twenty-year-old Werner Heisenberg, had discovered the mathematical model for the relative relationship between our four-dimensional world and the invisible world of the fifth dimension. This led Heisenberg to the publication in 1927 of his renowned concept of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in […] Read More

1993: Men In Black, An Investigation

BoB Oechsler (reprinted on totse.com) Men In Black 11-11-93 Among the attachments included here are responses to questions submitted regarding CURSE.TXT, Guardian, “Original Guardian”, Alien Liaison book reference authored by Timothy Good, etc. and the following file listings. 11] Biographical Information Sheet – BoB Oechsler 12] Guardian Investigation – UFO Video Case (February 1993) 13] Insider’s Report – Investigating the Guardian Enigma The latter is an indepth report on the investigation through May of 1993. There have been other interesting revelations and discoveries since then that again tend to support more of Guardian’s claims reported as “preposterous” by Robert Stack on the “Unsolved Mysteries” broadcast of 2-03-93. My personal experience indicates that this one case has been subjected to more diversified scientific scrutiny than any […] Read More

1998: Alien lifeforms may be inside the Earth

By Steve Farrar, Science Correspondent Life forms so alien that scientists may simply not have recognized evidence of their existence could inhabit the Earth, according to a leading scientist. Dr. Tom Gold, emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell University in America, believes that organisms based on silicon – completely unrelated to all the carbon-based life man has encountered so far – may live at great depths. In a forthcoming book, he will suggest that scientists should take the possibility more seriously. Gold, who is a member of the Royal Society, previously predicted that vast amounts of more conventional bacteria live miles down within the Earth’s crust. Scientists initially dismissed the idea, but many now agree with him. “So long as nobody suspects there could be […] Read More

1999: The 21 Trillion Year Old Hologram

April 4, 1999. The ET Global Connection: A Lecture by Alex Collier Original transcript by Val Valerian Although many elements contained within this December 1995 lecture are basically unverifiable, the synchronicity with the material presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, especially in his video presentations on the Light and Dark Brotherhood and his lecture at the Conclave of Michael Conference in Banff, Canada in 1994 make this material so highly interesting that it demands presentation in The Leading Edge. Relate it to other material and decide yourself. Together with other material in existence, it appears to have a bearing on the immediate future of the planet and all its inhabitants. (Legend: AC- Alex Collier Q-Audience questioner). Introduction: AC: Hello, I’m Alex Collier. In the last 31 years I have been given so much information, that I […] Read More

2002: Reptilian breeding zoo

Jeffery Pritchett Marianna Paranormal Examiner Art Greenfield has some very controversial views on the Reptilians. Author of the book “The Warning” what you will find in this interview is some startling information. Even though I personally find it hard to believe every reptilian in the cosmos is of evil nature. I have to admit there is some startling information here connecting them toplights on Earth that may not be in mankind’s best interests obviously. I will leave this for the reader to decide. I have discussed the reptilians many, many times on my radio show The Church of Mabus. Glad to have a chance to jump aboard the discussion once again. Presenting. 1. Could you tell us a bit about what experiences you had Alien […] Read More