Names have been changed to protect the innocent…And the guilty. My name is Theo. I’ve been abducted by aliens- not just your ordinary, run of the mill grey types or even Draco-Reptilians. These aliens were Nords, but instead of being prodded or probed, I was given an insightful view into their terrifying schemes and bathing habits. Actually, I don’t even remember being taken. One evening, I was relaxing, reading a book in my apartment. I believe it was the new Walter Kinkaid novel. I must have dozed off. The next thing I remember seeing was the black polished jackboots in front of my face (I was lying on the floor at the time, on my stomach). As I looked upward, past the black uniform, I […] Read More


In prehistoric times a hi-tech society of pre-Nordic humans waged war with reptiloids based in Antarctica, the war ended with the reptiloids being driven underground [below India] while the humanoids established their own civilization beneath Mongolia. The humanoids and reptiloids develop further technology enabling them to reach beyond planet earth. The species war continues off-planet, and is carried to the moon, to Mars, and eventually to the stars. The humanoids establish a colony in Rigel Orion while the reptiloids establish an empire based on the planet Typhon [Alpha Draconis]. The Draconians attack Rigal yet several humanoids escape to Sirius-A, Vega Lyra and Procyon while others return to the Sol system [Jovian moons]. The Draco-backed Orion empire of the “Unholy Six” [six Draco controlled star systems] […] Read More

Common Sense II – Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing 2

In the counterintelligence world, a “sib” is a carefully planted rumor designed to undermine the morale and the will to resist of the enemy. For example, the British political warfare executive, “PWE planted sibs amongst the German soldiers on the Russian front that the German medical establishment was compelled to start using Jewish blood during surgeries and blood transfusions on German soldiers because of the overall shortage of blood products. You can imagine the kind of effect this rumor had on German soldiers imbued with the Aryan superman myth! Likewise, another sib, which was planted amongst the front line German soldiers, was that Jews were responsible for spreading the bubonic plague in certain German cities. Please observe how the hard core researchers like the late […] Read More

2002: Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan

This article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda. It merely skims the surface and should therefore supplement your own research, not replace it. If you want a thorough grasp of what’s going on, I recommend analyzing with discernment the following books: Gods of Eden – William Bramley The Threat – Dr David Jacobs Taken – Karla Turner The Love Bite – Eve Lorgen Into the Fringe – Dr Karla Turner God’s Gladiators – Stuart Wilde Tales from the Timeloop – David Icke UFOs and the National Security State – Richard Dolan The Allies of Humanity – Marshall Summers Bringers of the Dawn – Barbara Marciniak The Ra Material, Books I,II,III – Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert Cassiopaean Transcripts – Cassiopaeans, LKJ Each of these […] Read More

2012: The Octopus

“The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications… “What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of journalists all over the world. “The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel ‘Danny’ Casolaro was found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes, WAS MISSING. “The book, provisionally titled ‘The Octopus’, was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department […] Read More

The Reptilian Blood Legacy

“The black magic rituals we know as Satanism are the modern expression of the rituals and human sacrifice in ancient Babylon and the Brotherhood infiltrated societies of the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian, peoples, among many others across the world. It has been a seamless procession through history of the same rituals to the same deities and this remains of fundamental importance to the initiates of the Brotherhood today. My use of the term Satanism has nothing to do with the Christian version of [censored]. I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it may seem; to most people, is commonplace all over the world today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of […] Read More