Names have been changed to protect the innocent…And the guilty. My name is Theo. I’ve been abducted by aliens- not just your ordinary, run of the mill grey types or even Draco-Reptilians. These aliens were Nords, but instead of being prodded or probed, I was given an insightful view into their terrifying schemes and bathing habits. Actually, I don’t even remember being taken. One evening, I was relaxing, reading a book in my apartment. I believe it was the new Walter Kinkaid novel. I must have dozed off. The next thing I remember seeing was the black polished jackboots in front of my face (I was lying on the floor at the time, on my stomach). As I looked upward, past the black uniform, I […] Read More

Common Sense II – Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing 2

In the counterintelligence world, a “sib” is a carefully planted rumor designed to undermine the morale and the will to resist of the enemy. For example, the British political warfare executive, “PWE planted sibs amongst the German soldiers on the Russian front that the German medical establishment was compelled to start using Jewish blood during surgeries and blood transfusions on German soldiers because of the overall shortage of blood products. You can imagine the kind of effect this rumor had on German soldiers imbued with the Aryan superman myth! Likewise, another sib, which was planted amongst the front line German soldiers, was that Jews were responsible for spreading the bubonic plague in certain German cities. Please observe how the hard core researchers like the late […] Read More

2008: The Aldebaran Mystery: The Nazi/ET UFO Connection

by Jim Nichols  (Copyright 2008, Jim Nichols – All Rights Reserved) Posted: 13:22 February 10, 2008 Dr. Hermann Oberth who pioneered rocket design for the German Reich during World War II and later advanced rocket technology for the American manned space launches, cryptically stated: “We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped.” When asked by whom, he replied: ” The people of other worlds. “ Oberth’s fellow associate space pioneer, who also served the Third Reich, Wernher Von Braun, echoed similar knowledge of the extra-terrestrial reality when he stated in 1959, “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I […] Read More