2016: Project SIGMA — How the Secret Government is Selling Your Genome to the Greys

In the 1950s, the US Government decided there was nothing wrong in letting Grey aliens abduct a few humans, if the price was right. Turns out you can’t win a deal with the devil. After shooting down several extraterrestrial flying vehicles and acquiring the advanced technology they carried on-board, the government deemed it very profitable to establish communication channels with the foreign entities. After all, amassing alien hi tech would grant the US technological superiority both in military and intelligence circles. One of the first projects to deal with this situation was Project SIGMA, a joint operation established in 1952 by the NSA/CIA consortium. Ufologists refer to this venture using many monikers, including the TAU IX Treaty for the Preservation of Mankind (as Dr. Dan […] Read More

2014: Scientific Proof that Humans can Contact Other Beings Directly in Real Time Anywhere in the Universe

Combining science and spirituality big time! Drunvalo Melchizidek attended a scientific meeting in Albuquerque with about 40 other scientists and physicists in April of 2014 to discuss the above-mentioned topic. I found this interview here to be fascinating listening when I heard it about 6-9 months ago. I recently recalled it and looked it up to share with you here. The bonus now was that I discovered that Milou had also done an extra video call with about 7 minutes for an important question that she forgot to take up in this first 50 minute part. The information that Drunvalo is discussing here gels with me strongly as being the truth. What he is saying basically is that we can have direct communication in real-time […] Read More

Albert Coe’s UFO Contact in 1920!!

Albert Coe was a teenager on a trip to the mountains of Canada. It was in June 1920. They were to drift down the river in a canoe. Sometimes they had to carry the canoe by falls. One late evening Albert heard a far cry for help, while his friend was further down looking up the coming way. In a narrow cleft/gap, was a young, man fallen, fatally hurt, and not able to come out by himself. But Albert was then able to bring him out. He was clothed in a peculiar, silver gray, tight jumper type garment – almost like silk. A small instrument panel was under the chest. He said he was not canoeing, but had a plane nearby, and was fishing, but […] Read More

2014: Roswell Researcher Claims To Have Alien Body Photos

  It’s been 67 years long years of conspiracies and the Roswell UFO incident still manages to capture headlines and our attention. Books, Internet headlines, and POP culture references have all been jaded by the weird incidents that many claimed to have occurred one frigid night in 1947 in a remote ranch in New Mexico. It’s now almost the end of 2014 and here we are…once again. “We have come into possession of a couple of Kodachrome color slides of an alien being lying in a glass case, What’s interesting is, the film is dated 1947. We took it to the official historian of Kodak up in Rochester, New York, and he did his due diligence on it, and he said yes, this filmstrip, the slides […] Read More

1994: The Continuing Search for the Roswell Archaeologists: Closing the Circle

by Thomas J. Carey IUR, Volume 19, Number 1; January/February 1994 In the November/December issue I examined and rejected the Barney Barnett story of archaeologists at the site of a downed UFO on the Plains of San Agustin in July 1947. There is no corroborating testimony for this event. But by rejecting the Barnett story, should we altogether reject the notion of archaeologists as witnesses to a 1947 crash/retrieval in New Mexico? Not just yet. In their 1991 book UFO Crash at Roswell, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt devoted an entire chapter (pp. 113-117) to the search for the Roswell archaeologists. In addition to discussing the Barney Barnett story (which they have since rejected along with a Plains of San Agustin UFO crash), the authors […] Read More


The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities by Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns Table of Contents Introductions ………………………………….. 1 Quotes ……………………………………….. 17 Documents …………………………………….. 20 Freedom of Information Act ……………………… 74 JMP Request for Executive Order …………………. 75 Lear-Cooper Indictment ………………………… 79 Mind Control ………………………………… 89 Groom Lake and Dreamland ……………………… 106 John Lear Statement, Revised 25 June 1988 ……….. 112 Mutilations, Military and Aliens ……………….. 119 Abductions …………………………………… 130 Four-Corners Map …………………………….. 136 Project Beta, September 9, 1978 ………………… 137 The Case of Paul Bennewitz …………………….. 151 Dulce Genetic Facility in New Mexico ……………. 154 United States Tunnel Maps ……………………… 162 CIA and UFO Data ……………………………… 164 Technical Agency Information …………………… 167 Historical Data Regarding Aliens and the Government. 171 Definitions and Projects ………………………. 192 Conclusions ………………………………….. 195 […] Read More


Robert Morning Sky is a native American Indian with a interesting story, this story is supposedly the hidden history of Earth and man. Robert has connected Babylonian and Greek mythological legend to extraterrestrial intervention that is still part of our planet today. I met Robert after his presentation at a UFO convention few years ago. His presentation was very entertaining he danced in full Native American Indian headdress as he told us a story. His composure was light and funny but not diluting the seriousness of his story. What he told us about a personal experience of his Grandfather. The story begins when his Grandfather went on a vision quest with five other men. One night a streak of light crossed the horizon hitting the […] Read More

The Krill Report 2

CONFIDENTIAL: A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL Observations by a Visiting Nordic In October 1987, UFO researcher George Andrews was successfully able to contact one of the Nordics not associated with the Greys, through a woman in California. What follows are the comments made by the alien: “Were you a culture about to invade, you would not do it with a flourish of ships showing up in the heavens and undergo the risk of being fired upon. That’s the type of warfare slightly less evolved beings get into. You would create intense confusion and disagreement with only inferences to your presence — inferences which would [in turn] cause controversial disagreement. “The Greys are insidious little fiends. They did exactly [to […] Read More

1960’s: ET’S FROM ???

I have edited the following 46 reports of ET encounters to make them as short as possible. Nevertheless, the number of encounters and details of UFO’s involved, as can be seen, are many, making this a rather long piece. It is, however, set up in 4-page chunks, PART ONE thru SIX for easier digestion. The descriptions are gleaned from 960-odd reports in my possession, received in the form of the A.P.R.G. (Aerial Phenomena Research Group) Newsletter out of Seattle, Wa. during the 1960’s. All names of participants, except those of well-known personages have been changed. One would think from the following accounts that the Earth is the hub f crossing its vastness. The impression is also given that there has to be many civilizations more […] Read More

1998: COSMOLOGY 101

The following information may be true, then again it may not be true. Or it could be a combination of both. These are actual claims made by abductees and contactees as to the nature of certain specific star systems in our general galactic neighborhood, as well as the nature of their inhabitants. Just how much of the following claims are accurate, I do not know. Perhaps some of you out there have ‘inside’ knowledge that can serve to confirm, refute or refine some of these claims. If so, then by all means please share your feedback, so that we can begin to get a handle on the who, what and where of our interstellar neighbors, whether these “neighbors” prove to be friendly or not- so-friendly. […] Read More