2015: The NSA’s message from the Extraterrestrials, on their website!

Not a lot of people realize this but the NSA have on their website proof of Extraterrestrial contact under the title “Key to the Extraterrestrial messages” (found under www.nsa.gov). This is a hugely important step towards Disclosure and something which is far too overlooked by the UFO community.  The original document was cleared for public release back in October 2004, but strangely not ‘officially’ released into the Public Domain until April 2011!  Such an important document needs to be seen by the world as this is on the NSA’s actual website, sat there waiting for all to see.  We want Disclosure of Alien contact, then here you go! This one small step, yet ‘Giant Leap For Mankind’, is best described as a ‘treasure trove’. Of […] Read More