2015: Scientists Make Astonishing Discovery Of ‘Ghost Particle’ In Earth’s Atmosphere – Is It Proof Of Alien Life?!

The ghost particle, so named because it resembles a thin wisp of smoke, is believed by researchers at the University of Sheffield and University of Buckingham to be proof of extraterrestrial life forms. (Photo : Sheffield University via Daily Express) January 25, 2015 –  SPACE – A group of astrobiologists at the Universities of Sheffield and Buckingham have released the image of the specter-looking particle to the Daily Express. The particle, which is 10 microns in width or approximately as thick as a single strand of human hair, resembles a wisp of smoke or a chiffon scarf, earning for it the nickname ghost particle. Prof. Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffield speculates that the ghost particle is a “living balloon” that once carried alien organisms. […] Read More

2006: Mysterious red cells might be aliens!

By Jebediah Reed Popular Science Friday, June 2, 2006; Posted: 12:36 p.m. EDT (16:36 GMT) As bizarre as it may seem, the sample jars brimming with cloudy, reddish rainwater in Godfrey Louis‘s laboratory in southern India may hold, well, aliens. In April, Louis, a solid-state physicist at Mahatma Gandhi University, published a paper in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Astrophysics and Space Science in which he hypothesizes that the samples — water taken from the mysterious blood-colored showers that fell sporadically across Louis’s home state of Kerala in the summer of 2001 — contain microbes from outer space. Specifically, Louis has isolated strange, thick-walled, red-tinted cell-like structures about 10 microns in size. Stranger still, dozens of his experiments suggest that the particles may lack DNA yet […] Read More


Name:  Amoeba Like Creatures AKA: Blobs? Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance:  Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Amoeba Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: Over polar regions of the earth. Have shown up periodically over the last twenty + years. Every time they’ve been detected, all kinds of strange illnesses break out. They don’t know how they can stay alive and travel in outer space without a ship Source: