1998: Aliens, Extraterrestrials and The Way to Perceive Them

Humankind on Earth is quite isolated from different Planes and Dimensions based on the imbalanced degree of evolution we have reached. Slowly we are becoming ready to make conscious contact with other Dimensions, who simply lie inside of each of us, even beyond our 3rd-dimensional body, perception, and reality. Now, the time is ready for our Integration into the Confederation of Planets. The Pleiadeans, Sirians, the ones from Orion and the Zetas are helping us directly and indirectly to perceive the other Realities related to different Dimensions. Often mentioned is the Intergalactic Confederation, an energetic consciousness-group that does coordinate the lower dimensional activities we are part of here, but membership in which we are still unconscious of. This will change after the shift and balancing […] Read More