2014: The 3 Earth Grand Experiments

  First Earth – Lyra (Vega Star System) Long ago, before time as we know it began, there were the Founders of the Universe, highly evolved souls that had already completed many universal games.  Being creator gods, they decided to create a universe of their own. As the twelve came together, they were faced with the question of which “game” to choose so that the souls created in, or coming to, their new universe could spiritually evolve.  And spiritual evolution is what every soul desires. Finally, after much consideration, they chose the game known as “Polarity Integration.”  This game is one of many that involves the integration of the Light and the Dark developed by Divine Creator in order to experience all that He/She is. […] Read More


SEE: Telosian  Name: Lemurians AKA: Location  – Home System: Pleiades Distance from Earth: Attitude: They are supposedly here to enlighten the consciousness and traveled here many millennia ago because of the vibrant natural resources of what they call Terra (earth).  Motives: Physical Appearance:  Average Height: seven feet and up Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: dark hair  Skin: olive skin Eyes:  brown almond-like eyes  Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: humanoid  Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: Source:


Name: Vegans AKA: Location  – Home System: Vega is the alpha [or brightest] star in the constellation of Lyra, even though it is actually closer to Earth than it is to the other star systems in the Lyra constellation. Descended from refugees from the ‘Lyran Wars‘, who work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades, Wolf 424, and elsewhere. Vega was one of the first Lyran civilizations to develop a unique and cohesive identity that assisted in seeding and colonizing many systems, including Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion.”  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Relatively peaceful and gentle humans, often described as “dark-skinned orientals” similar to the native residents of the nation of India. Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 6 to 7 feet tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: black hair Skin: darker skin (sometimes […] Read More


Name: Taygetean AKA: Location  – Home System: Blond or in some cases brunette Nordics type humans based in the Pleiadians Taygeta systems, which were allegedly colonized after their former planetary abode in the was invaded by dinosaurian entities (reptilians, greys, etc.).  The main  Pleiadian planet of ‘Erra‘, was alleged ‘Terra-formed‘ by the refugees from Lyra [which is much nearer to earth–around 30 light-years. Distance from Earth: 430 light-years Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 5 – 6.5 feet Average Weight: 120 – 240 pounds (estimated) Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Blonde Skin: Pale white Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Telepathic Origin: Pleiades Life Form Type: Humanoid Sub Species: Nordics Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: The Pleiadians were apparently the first ‘human‘ society […] Read More

1991: The Pleiadians

by Barbara J. Marciniak 1991 from SpiritWeb Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website Note: “The Pleiadians Book” doesn’t exist as regular book with ISBN, it’s a collection of texts Don Showen posted to Usenet-News. Please consider the text for personal use only. 1. Introduction THE SOURCE The Pleiadians are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system The Pleiades. The Pleiadian culture is ancient and was “seeded” from another universe of love long before Earth was created. They have formed a tremendous society which operates with love, with ideas and ideals that we are yet unfamiliar with. The Pleiadians call themselves our ancient family because many of us came here from The Pleiades to participate in the new experiment of Earth. The Pleiadians are now here as […] Read More


Name: Pleiadean AKA: Pleiadian Location  – Home System:  This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the constellation of Taurus,  420 light-years from planet Earth. The names of the seven stars in the Pleiades system are Taygeta, Maya, Coela, Atlas, Merope, Electra, Alcyone. The Pleiadians reside on the planet Erra, which is almost as large as Earth, one of ten planets that circle their sun, Tayget. Other Pleiadians would live on the planets Semjase, Ptaah, and Quetzal. Distance from Earth: 400 to 500 light-years Attitude: Helping humanity find freedom from oppressive structures through consciousness-raising Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 5 feet to 7 feet Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Mainly caucasian, with a lot of variety Eyes: are bigger than human eyes, and the tone of the color […] Read More


Name: Hyadeans AKA: Location  – Home System:  Hyades Star Cluster in the constellation Taurus the Bull.   The Hyades Star Cluster consists of 300 to 400 stars and is approximately 151 light years from the planet earth.  The Hyadeans populate a number of planets throughout the star systems present in this part of the galaxy that stretches over 80 light years in diameter. Distance from Earth: 151 light years Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Nordic-like Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in their physical make-up a natural ‘hybrid‘ between the two is impossible. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence ‘splicing‘ human and reptilian genes, has allegedly been attempted. Even if this were accomplished the […] Read More


Name: Gizan – (or Gizahn) AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Sub Species:  GIZA INTELLIGENCE The Giza intelligence was a splinter group from the Pleiades that came to earth and formed a base under Egypt. Apparently they had some influence over some of the world religions in the past. The Giza Intelligence was removed by the Plejaren in the 1970s because they supposedly attacked the Plejaren, so Plejaren saw fit to capture and remove the Gizan’s or the (Bfaath) from underneath Egypt. Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses […] Read More


Name: Errans AKA: Location  – Home System:  Erra is the name of a planet circling Taygeta, which is one of the main stars of the Pleiades Cluster Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: some with blonde hair and others with a darker shade Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Nordic Life Form Type: Humanoid Sub Species: Most Common Species: Level of Species: “The Errans are several nose-lengths ahead of us, meaning 3,500 years in technological regard and about 30 million years further in their spiritual development. Due to their enormously high evolutionary level, they master universal space travel almost perfectly. They maintain a great number of bases throughout the entire universe […] Read More