1998: The Aviary

UFO/ET-Disclosure Policy Splits Covert Network by Richard J. Boylan Ph.D. Since sometime in the 1970’s, a small group of individuals with extremely high security clearances, who were working on various aspects of UFO research and policy, began to interact unofficially on a regular basis to pool information. Their objectives were to coordinate data, see the big picture, analyze the meaning of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth, use this knowledge to gain access to additional information on the hyper secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12, the government’s ultimate UFO-information control and policy group) and gain special influence through their collective power. This elite group of roughly a dozen individuals working on national security assignments gave themselves code names, using mostly bird names. Collectively, they came to be called […] Read More

1998: The Government and the Greys

The following is a transcript of information found in a document that was released by researcher L. M. Graham. Copies of the original document can be obtained from PEA Research., Milpitas, CA 95035, along with other documentation concerning secret technologies allegedly possessed and utilized by secret governmental organizations as well as documentation and information on a possible interaction between deep government groups and a race of small non-human entities commonly known as the ‘Greys‘. Areas in the document where (XXXXXX) appears indicates areas where the writing in the duplicate copies obtained by PEA and other groups is too faint to be readable: EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE – EXECUTIVE BRIEFING SUBJECT: PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS) – ATTENTION THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY MJ-12. MJ-12 IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SUBJECT MATTER. DOCUMENT CONTROL: […] Read More


Perhaps the strangest and most convoluted UFO story of the 1980s concerns allegations from various sources, some of them individuals connected with military and intelligence agencies, that the U.S. government not only has communicated with but has an ongoing relationship with what are known officially as “extraterrestrial biological entities,” or EBEs. The Emenegger/Sandler Saga: The story begins in 1973, when Robert Emenegger and Alan Sandler, two well-connected Los Angeles businessmen, were invited to Norton Air Force Base in California to discuss a possible documentary film on advanced research projects. Two military officials, one the base’s head of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, the other, the audio- visual director Paul Shartle, discussed a number of projects. One of them involved UFOs. This one sounded […] Read More

1976: Agents of the Dark – Men in Black

‘The Unexplained’ No. 39 Rarely – if ever – do the threats of the mysterious Men In Black, following a close encounter, come to anything. So what could be the purpose behind their visits? In September 1976, Dr. Herbert Hopkins, a 58-year-old doctor and hypnotist, was acting as a consultant on an alleged UFO teleportation case in Maine, USA. One evening, when his wife and children had gone out leaving him alone, the telephone rang and a man identifying himself as vice-president of the New Jersey UFO Research Organisation asked if he might visit Dr. Hopkins that evening to discuss certain details of the case. Dr. Hopkins agreed; at the time, it seemed the natural thing to do. He went to the back door to […] Read More