1989: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT: The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12

By Milton William Cooper May 23, 1989 * The Truman Years * 13 Crashed Alien Space Craft in U.S.A. * Above Top Secret Classification * Project SIGN and GRUDGE * Truman Creates CIA by Executive Order * Directive Defines CIA Authority Under NSC-4 * Covert Abilities Expanded * Secretary of Defense Forrestal Objects to Alien Secrecy * Living Alien Rescued at Roswell, New Mexico, 1949 * Alien Biological System Based on Chlorophyll Process * Truman Creates NSA to Decipher Alien Language * NSA is Above the Law * U.S.A. Shares Alien Secret with Soviet Union * President Eisenhower tackles the Alien Problem * Eisenhower and Rockefeller Join Forces * Rockefeller Appointed Chairman of Advisory Committee * Space Visitors Discovered by Astronomers * Aliens from Plieades […] Read More