1998: Reptiles/Serpents/Lizards in History/Mythology/Religion

The bible frequently refers to demons and devils as serpents or serpentine creatures which live within the earth (stating the obvious). Ancient Hebrew religious texts refer to the serpent of the garden of Eden as “Nachash”, which many Hebrew scholars contend was a bipedal or hominid reptile of great intelligence. Consider why a serpent would be the biblical animal in Genesis that tempted Eve. It is also known through studies of evolution that the limbs of many reptile species atrophied over time, as the creatures lost the need for them. The bible speaks SPECIFICALLY of how the serpent from the garden was cursed to crawl upon it’s belly AFTER it’s actions with the Adamic race. That would obviously indicate that the infamous serpent of the […] Read More

The MIB, Reptilians and You

Formerly titled “The Pasturing and Use of Homo Sapiens” by “TAL” My late friend, Richard Shaver, told me that asking “officialdom” for action about UFO data is like a Jew asking Hitler for mercy on the grounds that you have a family to care for. The storm troopers reaction is to go out and pick up the rest of the family. Most UFO buffs think that their efforts will lead to some sensible attention by the powers that be, attention to the broad problem that UFOs present … the problem of “Are they invaders?” and “What do they want here on Earth?” and all those other nagging questions. They come to Earth for things surface people don’t know about. Earth is on the ancient space […] Read More

1982: Dinosauroids (Human Dinosaurs…Saurians)

“Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that intelligent life forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed the earth (in ancient times). “Russell calls his imaginary creature a ‘Dinosauroid‘ which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes, and three-fingered hands… “The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe–just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, maybe the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet.”   in 1982 paleontologist Dale Russell, […] Read More