2013: The Aliens!

From life on Mars, to little green men, to the commonly known “GREY” alien. There is a connection! How many alien races exist? It’s hard to say, but one thing is absolutely certain. At least one of those is visiting the human race, on a daily, casual basis. There are skeptics out there, who will sway you from this. History has taught us, that without skeptics, research, planning, discovery, and acceptance never happen. Usually, and unfortunately for the skeptics, they are all of a sudden wrong. Because honest skepticism is ok, and a normal thing, we do not point fingers at these people. Until discovery is made, we shun them and disregard them. We should thank them, however, for they are the reason we continue […] Read More

1994: The Continuing Search for the Roswell Archaeologists: Closing the Circle

by Thomas J. Carey IUR, Volume 19, Number 1; January/February 1994 In the November/December issue I examined and rejected the Barney Barnett story of archaeologists at the site of a downed UFO on the Plains of San Agustin in July 1947. There is no corroborating testimony for this event. But by rejecting the Barnett story, should we altogether reject the notion of archaeologists as witnesses to a 1947 crash/retrieval in New Mexico? Not just yet. In their 1991 book UFO Crash at Roswell, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt devoted an entire chapter (pp. 113-117) to the search for the Roswell archaeologists. In addition to discussing the Barney Barnett story (which they have since rejected along with a Plains of San Agustin UFO crash), the authors […] Read More

1995: Invasion Of The Barbarian Monsters From Heaven And Hell

by Nigel Watson Magonia 54, November 1995 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- “We believe in the absolute power of these [extraterrestrial] saviours from the skies who treat us like easily duped children (or cattle) yet they use vehicles that are always falling out of the skies … The bottom line is that books, articles and programmes have to play to the believers; they are the ones who are willing to part with their cash. “The culture industry gobbles-up UFO material that is shovelled into it by willing ufologists, then it is crapped all over us whether we like it or not. As such the very spirit of wonder and defamiliarisation with the everyday that UFOs might inspire only serves to feed the dominant socio-economic structure. Ufology is a proto-religion […] Read More


Name: Roswell Humanoid = Homoides roswellii AKA: Roswell Resembling Man Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 1.5 m tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: A  humanoid with a large bald head, small, sunken eyes, small concave nose with 2 nostrils, thin lipless mouth devoid of teeth but with tough gums and an ear hole on each side of the head with a tiny lob. The longest part of the arm is between the elbow and the wrist and the hand has 4 long slender fingers with a small hollow at the tip of each creating a suction pad. Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Humanoid  Sub Species: Most […] Read More

1995: An Alien Harvest 2.6

Evidence of Grey Origins and Reasons for Human Abduction version 2.6 Written and Compiled by Dragonbane Please Direct any questions to by E-mail to: Dragonbane@mail.utexas.edu Among the mysteries of modern ufology is the origin of the entities known as the Greys. These small beings are the most commonly observed entities reported by abductees aboard the extraterrestrial craft and are believed to be the ones most responsible for human abductions. There are many things that we do know about the Greys, derived mostly from abductee reports, but there is far more that we do not yet know or understand. Using the evidence at hand, including a collective of abductee reports and stolen government files, it is now possible to make accurate estimates of several aspects of […] Read More