2014: Roswell Researcher Claims To Have Alien Body Photos

  It’s been 67 years long years of conspiracies and the Roswell UFO incident still manages to capture headlines and our attention. Books, Internet headlines, and POP culture references have all been jaded by the weird incidents that many claimed to have occurred one frigid night in 1947 in a remote ranch in New Mexico. It’s now almost the end of 2014 and here we are…once again. “We have come into possession of a couple of Kodachrome color slides of an alien being lying in a glass case, What’s interesting is, the film is dated 1947. We took it to the official historian of Kodak up in Rochester, New York, and he did his due diligence on it, and he said yes, this filmstrip, the slides […] Read More


By William Hamilton III The alleged recovery of a flying disk near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 has sparked discussions, opinions, and reports that the U.S. Army and Air Force studied the remnants of the disk, especially the methods and modes of its propulsion with the intent of “reverse engineering” the advanced technology found in the alien craft. Is it even possible to comprehend such advanced technology much less attempt to duplicate its function? We will examine these possibilities in this article and try to sum up what has been learned to date. Alien astronautics is a subject predicated on the existence of intelligent alien life forms whose evolution occurred on an extraterrestrial world and who developed means to travel from their world to other worlds in spacecraft. […] Read More

1994: The Continuing Search for the Roswell Archaeologists: Closing the Circle

by Thomas J. Carey IUR, Volume 19, Number 1; January/February 1994 In the November/December issue I examined and rejected the Barney Barnett story of archaeologists at the site of a downed UFO on the Plains of San Agustin in July 1947. There is no corroborating testimony for this event. But by rejecting the Barnett story, should we altogether reject the notion of archaeologists as witnesses to a 1947 crash/retrieval in New Mexico? Not just yet. In their 1991 book UFO Crash at Roswell, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt devoted an entire chapter (pp. 113-117) to the search for the Roswell archaeologists. In addition to discussing the Barney Barnett story (which they have since rejected along with a Plains of San Agustin UFO crash), the authors […] Read More


Name: Roswell Humanoid = Homoides roswellii AKA: Roswell Resembling Man Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 1.5 m tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: A  humanoid with a large bald head, small, sunken eyes, small concave nose with 2 nostrils, thin lipless mouth devoid of teeth but with tough gums and an ear hole on each side of the head with a tiny lob. The longest part of the arm is between the elbow and the wrist and the hand has 4 long slender fingers with a small hollow at the tip of each creating a suction pad. Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Humanoid  Sub Species: Most […] Read More

2011: Leaked footage of Alien (Skinny Bob) from Zeta Reticula. UFO crash survivor?

Alien footage leaked of Roswell UFO crash survivor  Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com  Old footage showing a “grey” type alien who might have been a survivor of the Roswell UFO crash that occurred over sixty years ago in New Mexico has been released onto the Internet. The black and white clip is allegedly part of a much larger collection of footage that was filmed by government agents working on top-secret UFO and alien matters between the years 1942 and 1969. Only a fraction of the much longer 180-minute archive of footage has been released thus so far. The people or person who leaked the footage alleges to have done so anonymously as a precaution to ensure their safety. The alien seen in the video is clearly humanoid […] Read More