Bigfoot Sightings

SOURCE: Stephen Wagner, 1902 – Chesterfield, Idaho. A group of people enjoying a winter’s day skating were suddenly terrorized by a hairy monster brandishing a wooden club. The witnesses said the creature stood about eight feet tall. Later, four-toed footprints were found that measured 22 inches long and 7 inches wide. Bigfoot indeed! No one was injured in the attack. 1912 – New South Wales, Australia. A surveyor named Charles Harper was camping with several colleagues on Currockbilly Mountain. One evening, as the men sat sound their campfire, they became increasingly unnerved by the strange sounds they heard coming from the woods. To help allay their fears, they piled more wood on their fire. The increased light revealed that something unexpected had invaded their […] Read More


Name:  Sasquatch | Sasquan AKA: Hairy humanoids Location  – Home System: blew up into a supernova we know as the Crab Nebula Distance from Earth: 6550 light-years from Earth Attitude: on some occasions been observed in connection with UFO encounters, or subterranean encounters. Sasquatch have been known to attack humans ONLY in self-defense (sometimes throwing large boulders to frighten intruders away) Motives: Physical Appearance:  Average Height: 7- 9.8 ft. tall Average Weight: an excess of 500 pounds (230 kg) Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: dark brown or dark reddish hair Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Purported witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of […] Read More