2000: From the Garden

Image by nuclearmse via Flickr by Cassie  © 2000 The subject of “good” vs. “bad” reptilians is such a broad issue but I feel it is necessary to make some sense of this confusion so we each know where we stand on these issues. More and more people are beginning to “wake up” and become aware that we have been infiltrated by beings that are not quite “human“. These “para-humans” which are part human and part…something else…walk amongst us in human forms yet are perceived as spiritually altered hybrid humans by many people. There are many explanations I could go into here but I will make it as simple as possible. The reptoid/dragon-like species referred to here are very old, older than the human race…and […] Read More

2000: Alien Groups in Literature

group beings place vehicle etc.   Adama; +Bonnie Telos (city under Mt. Shasta); Aurora (planet)   Aenstria Caellsan, Selorik, +Traellison; Karne Aenstria (planet) Cantel “planet”   Akon Meton (planet in orbit of Alpha Centauri)     Andra-o-leeka & +Mondra-o-leeka; +Aura Rhanes Clarion (“planet hidden on the other side of the sun”); Oreon (planet) scow “spaceship“: Vea-o-mus (spaceship) Melchizedek Order of the White Brotherhood Anoah     Anunnaki   Nibiru, Maldek (planet)     Artemis Miranda (planet)   back   Lioaki (planet)   Habanas (warriors of God) David, +Corinthian Landa (world)   Venusians Frank & +Frances   X-12 (mother ship, which housed 24 smaller craft — “the craft flew on mental energy alone”)   +Great Mother (on Uranus), Satan (on Saturn)     Kantarians Itan   […] Read More