1998: What the Aliens Left Me

Excerpted from What the Aliens Left Me by Patrick David MacKondy Copyright © 1998 FATE Magazine September 1998 Twinsburg, Ohio, was a great place to raise a family in 1966. I was a dapper, sandy-haired six-year-old. I lived in a beautiful new apartment complex with my father, mother, and sister. My father was an advertising director for a regional grocery chain, and he was in the process of building us a stately Colonial house down the street. I have wonderful memories of waiting for my dad to get home from work at 5:30. We would walk to our future home to check on the day’s progress. Even today, when I smell freshly cut plywood or drywall, memories of those days rush back to me. Our […] Read More

The Krill Report 2

CONFIDENTIAL: A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL Observations by a Visiting Nordic In October 1987, UFO researcher George Andrews was successfully able to contact one of the Nordics not associated with the Greys, through a woman in California. What follows are the comments made by the alien: “Were you a culture about to invade, you would not do it with a flourish of ships showing up in the heavens and undergo the risk of being fired upon. That’s the type of warfare slightly less evolved beings get into. You would create intense confusion and disagreement with only inferences to your presence — inferences which would [in turn] cause controversial disagreement. “The Greys are insidious little fiends. They did exactly [to […] Read More

1996: Shimmers

By David Moncur Truthseekers 1996 Shimmers, for want of a better term describe an unusual change whereby a person can be seen to transform into an alien or other creature. The term is becoming more used these days by UFO and Paranormal researchers as the old term, known as a Transfiguration, is probably a bit harder to remember! David Moncur, an Edinburgh researcher explains. Also with there being more than one instance of a particular phenomenon researchers will often look for a more popular and consistent term of reference. Mr Robert France may be able to be credited for this as I firstly noticed him use the term “Shimmer” a case which he was involved and wrote up. The case took place on the 11th […] Read More

1995: The Greys and the Earth Agenda

A 1995 Alex Collier Lecture Interaction Between Gizeh Group and Nazi Germany The Greys made contact with a world governmental body for the first time in 1931. This was in Germany. The Greys were however turned away by the German government because it had already committed itself to involvement with the Gizeh intelligence. Now, I don’t know if you know who Gizeh intelligence is, but I will tell you that it is a renegade group of human extraterrestrials that were headquartered under the Gizeh plateau in Egypt. They were predominantly Pleiadians at the time. Ashtar was part of that group, Kamagol was part of that group. Even Jehovah was part of that group for some time. They did their own thing. They came down here […] Read More