1959: We Met The Space People

By Helen & Betty Mitchell (1959) Helen’s Story It all began when my sister, Betty, and I were in a downtown St. Louis coffee shop. We had been shopping and had stopped off to get a coke and refresh ourselves. While in the coffee shop we were approached in a very mannerly way by two gentlemen dressed in grey suits, who managed to interrupt into our private conversation. As they spoke to us we found that they were from a huge mother-craft orbiting the planet Earth, and that their names were Elen and Zelas. They told us that we had been very closely watched by the Space People for the last eight years, and that our progress had been noted off and on from the […] Read More


Name:  Amoeba Like Creatures AKA: Blobs? Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance:  Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Amoeba Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: Over polar regions of the earth. Have shown up periodically over the last twenty + years. Every time they’ve been detected, all kinds of strange illnesses break out. They don’t know how they can stay alive and travel in outer space without a ship Source: