1998: Colonization

In the dawn of time, our planet was colonized by different races from civilizations from other planets in the galaxy. These were the spacemen from more advanced worlds in time and space, who came to Earth to show humanity how to evolve. The star people would begin a civilization, followed by progress and a golden age. The Earthians would be taught the universal laws for all planets, the way to live in planetary peace, light, and love with all humanity. In the dawn of a golden age, the star people would depart for their distant solar systems, leaving humanity on Earth free will to evolve on its own. History is a repetition of golden ages followed by the ends of empires. Humanity in its own […] Read More


In this recent inter-glacial warm period, the banished Aryan E.T.’s inseminated the Chaldeans, Assyrians and the Sumerians by conquest with their hate, fear and avarice. So generation after generation of so called “Western man” has kept going West, never treating the planet as if it was their home, never treating the different colored humans already here as family. After the onslaught was concluded at the Western edge of Europe, historians politely called the Aryans “Indo-Europeans”. Before the Aryans arrived, societies would build monuments to harmony such as the pyramids, after the Aryans arrived, humans have been kept busy building fortifications around their cities and armaments with which to kill each other. There is still a pure strain of such “white-skinned” “Aryan Earthlings” that have lived separate […] Read More