This info is from the late ’90s THIS INFORMATION COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE AND FREEDOM THE COMING “OFFICIAL” ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ALIEN PRESENCE ON EARTH WHY “STAR WARS“, THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE, THE SUDDEN FALL OF COMMUNISM? What is going on? Something very sinister is going on. Polls reveal that over 90% of the Americans people believe in UFO’s and 95% of these people believe the government is keeping this knowledge from the public. But Why? Are they afraid the people will panic if an “Official” announcement was made? Hardly. Such an announcement would create interest and excitement and many questions, particularly by the churches, but do not panic. Why then the continued cover-up? There is overwhelming evidence in the past several years from “Whistle […] Read More

1989: MAJI (UFO Conspiracy)

This file includes all 5 parts. I’ve decided this is important enough to send all the information I have on the topic. This is going to be a sequence of 5 fairly longish posts if the subject does not interest you (Surely it does, else you would not be in a.c, now would you?) then add this subject line to your killfile. It will be the same in every post. This is article one of five: A petition to the United States Congress to indict all members of the Majestic conspiracy. PETITION TO INDICT The Government of these United States of America, having been formed under the Constitution and having been duly elected and appointed by the people of these United States of America under […] Read More