1998: Mantis Type Aliens?

by Robert M. Collins 10-13-98 Derrel Sims of  F.I.R.S.T (address & phone number below) just recently sent me an artist sketch of a recent abduction case in Houston Texas of a  “Mantis type creature” looking over a female lying unconscious and apparently nude on a table: Because of artist copyright considerations, only a modified sketch is shown here with the above “Insect Mantis” picture: I think it pretty obvious that both the modified Mantis picture from Derrel Sims and the other “Insect Mantis” picture look remarkably alike?   This case in Houston Texas according to Derrel Sims was collaborated by other abductees” in Dallas Texas. And, this same “Mantis” type creature was also mentioned in  Whitley Strieber‘s new book “Confirmation” on page 197: Under the title of  “Jesse’s Story” […] Read More


INFORMATION REGARDING UFO (ALIENS) Version 2.10 Last updated: June 15, 1995 click here for latest version CREATED BY: e-mail: dzurik@elf.stuba.sk Matthew Dzurik Donnerova 13 841 05 Bratislava Slovakia, Europe for last update use:finger dzurik@elf.stuba.sk txt | So here we go… But first of all: **** D O N ‘T P A N I C ! **** (Taken from the Hitch Hiker’s guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams) 1. INTERNET Sites: ( login: anonymous): Files about UFO and relating to this subject are at: – ftp dir: /pub/ufo (Huge site on the net thanx Charles McGrew..) – ftp dir: /Library/Fringe/Ufo (Good site, also another info…) – (ftp wiretap.spies.com) dir: /Library/Fringe/Conspiry (committee.300,…) – ftp dir: /pub/uunet/doc/literary/obi/UFO (ufo’s, FOIA,…) – ftp dir: /pub/textes/obi/UFO […] Read More

1960’s: ET’S FROM ???

I have edited the following 46 reports of ET encounters to make them as short as possible. Nevertheless, the number of encounters and details of UFO’s involved, as can be seen, are many, making this a rather long piece. It is, however, set up in 4-page chunks, PART ONE thru SIX for easier digestion. The descriptions are gleaned from 960-odd reports in my possession, received in the form of the A.P.R.G. (Aerial Phenomena Research Group) Newsletter out of Seattle, Wa. during the 1960’s. All names of participants, except those of well-known personages have been changed. One would think from the following accounts that the Earth is the hub f crossing its vastness. The impression is also given that there has to be many civilizations more […] Read More

1992: Galactic Family, An Overview of Genotypes

Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that “his” orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term “germane” in the English language means “significant relevance” or “coming from the same source”. Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. Germane: Greetings to you. ‘Tis a pleasure to be here once again. We would like to give you information about the physical genotypes of your galactic family. This is information you have been asking about for quite some time and we would like […] Read More

Common Sense II – Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing

This Treatise is called “More Common Sense” in memory of Thomas Paine when he tried to explain the facts of life to the colonists prior to the Revolutionary War. This letter is in rebuttal to the one Dr. Richard Boylan gave to a female abductee in a recent Contact Forum letter. Boylan’s letter was a classic example of a reptilian propagandist and apologist’s lame efforts to justify evil perpetrated upon an innocent person. My name is James Bartley and I am a close associate and colleague of Barbara Bartholic of Tulsa Oklahoma. Barbara is the most knowledgeable Reptilian researcher on this planet. There is no one on this planet who knows more about the Alien Abduction phenomena than Ms. Bartholic. She has worked with over […] Read More

1990: CIA Mj-12 Memo??

By: Robert M. Collins This memo below published originally in 1990 as an appendix to Bill Moore & Jamie Shandera’s Mj-12 Documents Report has been checked with a couple of sources in “a need to know.” Here are some points they made: 1) The memo(s) are not legitimately classified CIA documents. 2) Since they appear to be interoffice memos there was no care taken to properly classify them since they were to be shredded right after they were read. 3) The details in the memo(s) ie, movements and conversations appear to be correct from what they knew. Notes on “blacked out” areas starting with the first “blacked” area: Was ___ Should read—-DCDR2…..R2 being ?? Was ___/Mj-12 Should read—-NSA/Mj-12 Was ___ Should read—-EBE-2 Where it says […] Read More


Dear Steve: A couple months ago I sent you the Area 51 GIF showing the LOCATION of the Visitor facility. Of late, I have been reading your FIDONET posts and have just explored the web page. Under MARS ANOMALIES re: the “crater with tube running out” you did not notice the two funny objects (covered with dirt) that the tube connects ? That is THE base on Mars utilized as a Earth signals monitoring and research facility. You have put the photo of the base on the WWW ! The tyrannical ATLZAN civilization had advanced much more than this one and even established some colonies. This was the FIRST “New World Order” which the SAME types are now trying to re-establish. The colonies rebelled – […] Read More


by D. M. 17th March 2004 The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth – it is a system devised by aliens. The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies a long, long time ago. This system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants who remain on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they escaped this world (see my previous writing of Nibiru and the Anunnaki for further explanation). The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the […] Read More


In this recent inter-glacial warm period, the banished Aryan E.T.’s inseminated the Chaldeans, Assyrians and the Sumerians by conquest with their hate, fear and avarice. So generation after generation of so called “Western man” has kept going West, never treating the planet as if it was their home, never treating the different colored humans already here as family. After the onslaught was concluded at the Western edge of Europe, historians politely called the Aryans “Indo-Europeans”. Before the Aryans arrived, societies would build monuments to harmony such as the pyramids, after the Aryans arrived, humans have been kept busy building fortifications around their cities and armaments with which to kill each other. There is still a pure strain of such “white-skinned” “Aryan Earthlings” that have lived separate […] Read More

2013: UFOs & The Human Death Factor

by Don Ecker In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling questions that have plagued researchers has been “Is the UFO Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?” Over the years, there have been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into human deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially ruled accidental. When speaking of cases where death has resulted, usually most assume cases where military pilots have died as a result of “chasing” the phenomenon. One of the most famous of these military chases that is discussed when ever the subject of death and UFOs is raised, is the famous “Mantell Case“. This case is so well known that I will not discuss it here, but there are many […] Read More