2010: A Pledge from Credo Mutwa

WHO DAVID ICKE DESCRIBES AS “THE MOST AMAZING AND KNOWLEDGEABLE MAN IT HAS BEEN MY PRIVILEGE AND HONOUR TO CALL A FRIEND” Credo Mutwa is a Zulu sanusi, or shaman, who has spent many hours talking with David Icke in recent weeks in South Africa. They have made two videos together, The Reptilian Agenda, parts one and two, which provide stunning confirmation of the themes in The Biggest Secret of a reptilian race from the stars who have controlled the world for thousands of years. These videos will be available very soon..watch this space. They are dynamite and will re-write large swathes of current UFO-extraterrestrial belief. Credo is the official storyteller and keeper of the history of the Zulu people and he will reveal knowledge on these videos that, […] Read More