The Reptilian Candidate.

During the George Noory Coast to Coast show the other night, Dr. David Jacobs said that from his research many hybrids were now living amongst us and he was very worried about it. His statements led me to the conclusion that they are here in force and their purpose was to weaken the US so they could take over here and then around the world.

There are too many facts that indicate this is the truth. Let’s look
at something that is going on nationally that is very wrong. How does
a candidate with insufficient experience and training to be president
come to be nominated by a major political party? Barack Hussein Obama
somehow managed to do it but there are too many things that don’t add
up. There are apparently forces working behind the scenes to put this
man in control of the most powerful military in the world. He wants to
bring all of our troops home. That way our troops could be wiped out
at the same time our country is nuked. I suspect Obama is a hybrid
puppet being controlled by our alien Repto Sapien cousins. Let’s
examine Obama as a living tool of the Repto Sapiens, both from a
hardware and software angle.

Hardware: Is Obama a hybrid?

It is very possible. Most hybrids are created by mixing DNA from the Gray aliens (who work for the Reptoids) with human DNA. It gives the hybrids greater telepathic capability and
allows the Grays and Reptoids to better control and communicate with
them. The first series of hybrids bred by the Grays over the last
twenty years or so had inordinately large heads and large eyes, and
wispy flyaway hair on their heads and they were short. This was
reported many times by abductees who saw them on the ships. The
abductees were pretty much creeped out by them. The second generation
of hybrids had been bred to look more like us. Recently abductees have
seen nearly normal looking teenage hybrids on the ships doing work
alongside the Grays. Their heads are just a little bigger than normal
and they can pass for human. If you look at Barack Obama and his
mother, their heads look slightly bigger than normal, AND, their heads
are light-bulb shaped, resembling the Gray aliens.

Let’s look at the pedigree on the hardware. Obama’s human DNA comes
from Caucasian, Negroid, and Arab slave-trader stock. The slave trader
info comes from other sites where his ancestors were researched.


The mind of Obama received a lifetime of programming that is
truly alarming. Obama’s mother hated the US. If you look her up you
will find that she was rebelling against her father who was a US
military officer. She married foreigners to get out of the country and
to hurt her Dad. Getting out of the country also made it possible for
her to be abducted without the craft being picked up by NORAD. Her own
mother would have been “in the system” as an abductee and aside from
birthing the hybrid, may have been part of the plan to drive her off,
and ultimately transfer hatred for flag, country, and family to her
son Obama. The influence of hate continues, as Michelle Obama hates
the US, as do Obama’s radical associates. I really wanted to write
this up like a flow chart because there are so many side influences
that simultaneously made Obama the person he is today.

See also  1999: Reptoids

Some background on the major influences.

Communism is a harvesting tool of the Repto Sapiens. To date,
Communism has directly caused the death of 160 million people
worldwide since 1917. Communists are the “useful idiots” of the Repto

Islam is a harvesting tool of the Repto Sapiens. Islamic Holy Wars
have killed millions since the time of Muhammad.

At other times throughout history other groups have been used as
harvesting tools, used in war to supply dead bodies to our Repto
Sapien cousins, Hitler and the Nazis, Emperor Hirohito and the
Imperial Japanese,
Kaiser Wilhelm, Napoleon, Attilla and the Huns, Ghengis Khan and the
Mongol Hordes, The Roman Empire, Alexander the Great, Xerxes and the
Persians, and many others.

What is interesting about Barack Obama is that he was programmed by
radical Communists, crooked Democrats, and radical Islamists. The
major influences from those groups were Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Lewis
Farhakhan, Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayers, Bernadette Dorhn, and
various Saudi radicals. One Saudi paid for Obama’s college tuition.
So, Obama is bought and paid for, programmed with radical hype and
hate from our major enemies, assisted and backed by them throughout
his political career, and promoted by the liberal controlled broadcast
and print media who are ALL lined up to praise him and damn his
competition. Wow, there is so much in play from a huge contingent of
individuals that it must take a major means of manipulation behind the
scenes to control and coordinate it. That is ALL accomplished by the
Artificial Intelligence computer system the aliens use to oversee
these things. You don’t think this is possible or probable? Well, I
know a famous theoretical physicist who spoke to this A. I. computer
on the phone and we found out just how complicated and widespread an
operation the A.I. computer can carry out, both through time and
space, literally. The Obama operation is easy by comparison. The
“Godphone Incident” as reported by Dr Jack Sarfatti showed that the
A.I. computer on one of their ships could make phone calls back
through time from 1973 back to 1953, contacting Dr. Sarfatti and 400
other physicists when they were still children. The A.I. computer
identified itself as a computer onboard a spacecraft and asked all of
the kids to go outside so they could be picked up as they had all been
identified as becoming scientists in the future and the computer would
teach them things that they would find very useful in the future. Long
story short, the A.I. computer controlled craft jumped back in time 20
years and abducted all 400 kids, each several times, and diverted them
all away from what would have been a second Manhattan Project that
would have started in 1973. That project would have been a crash
program to back engineer and copy all of the alien propulsion and
weapons hardware that had been recovered from various crashed alien
spacecraft. We would have posed a big threat to the aliens if we had
the same equipment they did. This shows that the aliens can accomplish
anything they need to.

Here is another element in this story that shows history is repeating
itself with another big factor that is a part of these alien
operations, mass mind control. Remember the first few mass rallies
that Obama had caused the fainting of several women who were overcome
by emotion? That was mass electronic mind control run by the A. I.
computer. They had their electronic telepathic transmitters putting
out too much power, causing people to pass out. When they realized the
power was too high from the commotion, they adjusted the power down.
The same technique was used during the mass rallies Hitler had in
Germany. The following is excerpted from my book. It shows how the
mind control system effects people at a mass rally, as told by a young
man who experienced it at a Hitler mass rally in Germany. He could not
understand why or how he was being made to do things he normally would
never do.
From Warning by Art Greenfield:

See also  2005: Who Wrote the Reptilian Agenda?

I recently came across an account of a 15 year old Jewish boy who went
to a Nazi party mass rally to see what was going on with these people
who had been persecuting his family. I suspect that he witnessed a
session of the Grays exercising emotional and mind control over the
German people. The Jewish youth said that when he went into the
stadium where the rally was being held, he was immediately and
uncontrollably swept up into the emotional fever pitch of the Nazi
adoration for their Fuhrer and the Fatherland. While it was going on,
he could think that these Nazis were his enemies, but he could not
control what he was doing. When they sang or saluted, he did too. He
couldn’t restrain or control himself. And he hated Hitler. What else
can explain the situation? I have known many German people and they
are the nicest people you could ever want to meet. But somebody turned
them into very unfriendly types. Want more proof the aliens were
?helping? Hitler? They purposefully make him make bad decisions.
Hitler ignored the sound advice of his top generals on many key
occasions. Hitler instead consulted his astrologer, to get the
mystical course of action ?from beyond.? This caused Hitler to do some
very stupid things, like attack Russia, which caused a massive loss of
life. Guess who that benefited? The Grays and the Reptoids. The
debacle in Russia generated millions of German and Russian bodies for
the Grays to pick up, fresh-frozen prime bodies all over the Russian
landscape. Beware Grays bearing advice. Or implanting advice into
astrologers. That guidance from the stars we don’t need.

Excerpt from: “Warning” by Art Greenfield
ISBN: 1-59113-358-0
Copyright © 2005 by Art Greenfield
All rights reserved


Another pattern that is repeating itself: The Great Depression was caused by incredibly damaging harebrained actions of the US government at the time. The effect of the Depression was to weaken the entire infrastructure and military of the US. This could have been another Retrocausal foray back in time to weaken us so that we could be wiped out by our enemies.

Once again, we have had an attempt made to wreck our economy by the
useful idiots within the Democrat Party, who are not real democrats.
They are Communists in Democrat clothing, and we already know that
Communists are the main useful idiots of our alien Repto Sapien
cousins. If we are sufficiently weakened by a depression, and
President Obama brings the troops home and dismantles much of our
military to save money to help the poor masses, it will be an open
invitation for Iran, North Korea, Russia, China, to attack us with a
nuclear strike and wipe us out once and for all. Ahmadinejad, Putin,
and Kim IL Sung are very obviously mind controlled puppets of the
Reptilians. All of them are acting irrationally, a key symptom of
alien mind control.

See also  2015: The Final Transition and Defeat of the Archons

Another key component of a mind control program is to bombard the public with propaganda to get them to act against the best interest of their own country. Hitler;s minister of propaganda Josef Goebbels said that if you tell a lie loud enough and long enough, the people will believe it. Right now the com-infiltrated Democrat Party is running saturation advertising on TV where they are repeating lies about McCain and his program over and over. One ad says he will cut funds for Social Security in half. Even the media is not reporting that lie.

Also you can see Obama ads 24/7 where he is orating at a podium in a very Hitleresque manner, telling lies and all. He’s been running ads sneering at the socialist label that has been hung on him by McCain.

He has gotten the blacks worked up to a fever pitch that he will give them thousands in reparations if he is elected. A friend of mine in Denver, Colorado (Rose Hargrove) told me that she was listening to Peter Boyles (5-9AM) on KHOW radio this morning and a lot of blacks were calling in to the show threatening that if Obama was not elected they would riot and tear the city apart. It’s going on all over the country:

Oakland Police Preparing For Election Reaction

60s Radicals Poised to Seize Power and if They Lose, They’ll Riot

Denis: It could get nasty if Barack loses

Officers gear up with riot training

Police fear riots if Obama loses US election

Riot fears in US if Obama loses

A New Media Motif: Vote Obama &Avoid Race Riots

Obama plans election victory party as police steel themselves for …

The Riots Next Time? Racial Violence Looms If Barack Obama Loses …

Prepping for the worst, praying for the best

Riots feared if Obama loses:

Will There Be Race Riots if Obama Loses?

Expecting Election Day Riots Is Racist

I Predict A Riot

Obama Election Reaction: Bulls Win Melee or Rodney King Riot?

Some real horror stories about propaganda:

‘Kerosene’ Maxine Waters demands FBI probe of unconfirmed reports

October Surprises in a Culture of Death: Chicago as the Next 9/11?

The wrong kind of ‘change’

There is a lot more that I’d like to add to this post making other comparisons to other similar alien run operations throughout history but it will take too long for me to write it up right now, so I’ll send this out as-is for your consideration. Over the next few days, I’ll try to add more. I’m sure we will be discussing it. I cover a lot of the background information in my book. You can get the Ebook version immediately.


My Website:

Check out all the pages on the site. I wrote the site like a tabloid newspaper to impress on readers an outline of what has been going on throughout history.

The publisher’s website to order my book is at:

WARNING reveals a frightening alien agenda, a long-term program of social domination and periodic controlled genocide. Mankind is now in great danger. We have a terrible problem to overcome. The resolution requires international solidarity, then forcible negotiation with the aliens.

Copy of Book Cover:

“Warning” by Art Greenfield
ISBN: 1-59113-358-0
Copyright © 2005 by Art Greenfield
All rights reserved

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