Name: Harus


Location  – Home System: Planet Harus. He also claims that he met other beings who came from another planet as well: planet KARA or KRAK

Distance from Earth:



Physical Appearance: The inhabitants from Harus look like hybrids that are a mixture of reptilian (snake/lizard), grey and human phenotypes.

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type:  The living beings from Planet Harus and Krak are very peace-loving, highly developed people, who have used space travel for millions of years
and also visit our system. Their food is predominantly vegetarian. To their chagrin, they are sometimes confused with their favorite enemies, the lizard people from Planet Mohrosh, star cluster Sychorus, and are therefore very careful of their good reputation.

We can consider them as our friends, who have often stood by humanity. Because the Krak language is very difficult to learn, the people from Planet Harus developed a new language, which they simply called the ‘space language’, in order to be able to communicate with other forms of life. It became a language that is easier to learn and which also sounds more comprehensible. It has meantime long become a living foreign language and a compulsory subject at school. Today, it is among the most widely spoken languages in the universe. In space travel and contact with alien life forms, it is an indispensable instrument of communication.


Life Form Type: Hybrid


Most Common Species:

See also  2004: Is God an Alien?

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports: Albert Tomschi is an Austrian contactee who claims to have met beings who said they came from a planet called Harus. He also claims that he met other beings who came from another planet as well: planet KARA or KRAK (both spellings are used).

Special Features/Characteristics: 



  • Book: “I come from planet Harus. The Universe is calling.” Author Albert Tomschi, published by Wendelle Stevens / UFO Photo Archives
  • There also is a web site dedicated to some of his experiences

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